server problem


New Member
hey guys, i have not been on the server for about a month and a half, [if you are wondering, i am probably now fragG3D boy now instead of frag because i havn't played in awhile], i do not know the problem, but i read about it. i have heard there are many people who say all sorts of things on the server. i think that if you can do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, then ignore them and they will most likely leave us alone. but we still need to enforce our rules... i would like to have admin talk about it. hope you guys can talk it out! have fun
I think I understand, Fragboy is saying, that if people are on the server swearing, cussing, putting down our Lord (or whatever) and you can't do anything about it, then simply ignore them until they go away.

IMO, this is not what you want to do. You should stand up and ask them to stop. Ask them to stop a second and third time. If they don't, get a condump and use the aimbot (or your messanger service) and contact an admin. Everybody has the authority to contact an admin and ask them to come and deal with a situation. You don't need to tell them that you will contact an admin if they don't stop, just do it.

I know I keep my status set to away, but as some people have found out, very rarely does it actually mean I am away. Unfortunately, MSN or AIM and ICQ or Yahoo do not have a setting: Don't bug me unless its TOJ CS business
I saw the funniest thing or 2 things yesterday. First there was a hacker who was bunny hoping more then any sD person could ever do and he screen was shaking more then jackhammer with rabbit on top
he got away un caught
then lots later came this speed hacker he was running around knifing people head off KB actully killed him once
it was funny
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Gods_Peon @ Oct. 13 2004,5:15)]... use the aimbot ...
Cool, yall hear that ... the admins are telling us we can use our aimbot on the server ... ROCK ON!!!

J/K, I just thought it was funny that he said use your aimbot
lol i get in trouble some times for saying that like i say to bman im going to go use the aim bot there
and uhh
aimbot...haha.  Good catch Goose.  Of course we all know I meant the AOL Instant Messanger Bot.  Anybody who didn't, please raise your hands right now.

<span id='ME'><center>Gods_Peon scans forum for raised hands</center></span>

Seeing as nobody raised their hands, its cool we are all on the same wavelength. those who would post that they raise their hands:  A, I didn't see it, so too bad.  And 2:  Your late so it doesn't count, you had to raise it when I said now.  I am not to blame for your tardiness.

That is all.

<span id='ME'><center>Gods_Peon gets off the soapbox</center></span> these days?!! A soapbox, is a box in which you put soap, or, for the younger crowd, and also for the OLD PEOPLE! just say "lecturing" that tends to work with today's youth!

*ahem* GP *ahem*