

Okay i have gotten people complaining about how we don't have a server and i have been looking into how other clans get there money for there server and it is by all the members sending in so much money to get a server. I am looking into servers by playing on them and seeing how well they run. I was wondering if anyone could send money monthly...from what i see a 32 slot server (which i would love to get) would range between 140-160 dollars. If you could send money in monthly please let me know and i will talk to Tek about getting a pay pal account and such.

I am going to keep it at 32 slot guys only because if someone couldn't make a payment a month then we will have a little extra money to spare... if we get big funds then i will get a little bit bigger and if we do go bigger i will reserve 2 slots just for admins...
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I can mostlikely do 10-20 i have to talk to my parents first just to make sure...because i don't get my credit card for another year ^.^