SGA Gruul's Run

Thanks! Do you know if they're planning on giving current regulars any points to compensate for past runs?
I would imagine that it would be a clean start. It would be great to go back and figure in who has been on the runs and who has received loot, but I don't think anyone has that info :-(

Edit: I should mention that the "first run" thing will apply though. So another mage running for the first time Wednesday would not be able to bid, but you would, even though you would both have 0 points.
Previously when starting from scratch players who had been on multiple runs could bid minimum and they would just go negative. If more than one person bid then they would roll 1-100 to decide who gets it.
How bout you just shard everything then random. That way nobody gets anything better. VOID's fer everrrrryonnne!!!
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points points points, ack. I really liked the rules our guild uses for Kara, i hope we carry them over to Gruul.
Our guild rules work pretty well for 10 man groups or less. Once you start getting 20+ people in a raid, especially with a guild/non-guild group, a DKP system does have it's good points.

Otherwise you might have the situation I was in. Attended Gruul's for 2-3 months, didn't win the roll each week and watched as first timers got the shoulder token.