Shadow Labs


The nasty void boss in Shadow Labs has been defeated at the hands of the Forgiven and Veritas! Tonight's group consisted of myself, Dave, Mike, Renee, and Zl (paladin from Veritas).

The secret for us was massive DPS on the boss. We stocked up on all the +damage food, potions and oil we could find.

We arranged ourselves in this order: the hunter stood at the back of the room and was responsible for adds coming from that direction. The mages aligned themselves at right and left hand sides of the room. The one on the right DPS'd left, and vice versa so we had cross blasting going against the voids. The boss was tanked at the foot of the platform.

At 100% health everyone immediately started DPS on the boss. As voids came out we nuked them down quick then went back to the boss. The secret is to nuke him down before a million voids come out and wipe your group.

The main boss is pretty weak and won't hurt you badly if the voids don't explode on you.

I hope this helps! Rest of the group: if you have anything to add, please feel free.

Yup, that is how you do it. Two casters/range dps is really important.
We had a rogue/mage/hunter tonight for dps. Mage/hunter worked voids, then boss. Rogue stayed on boss.

Nuke some voids, back to him, rinse and repeat like you said.
This is the only way I've ever beaten him..

3 ppl in the party were it took us some time to get the execution down..Then he went down..along with it..Same with murmur..had a few new to the fight, but eventually he got owned.

To whoever is going..if you want the smoothest ride possible, take 3 dps, at least 2 casters. You can do it with 2, but it can be a pain..

I probably had the best pug ever Tuesday night through shadow labs. we had so much fun we actually did two run throughs. After nearly 4 hours of trying to get a group for there (I really hate trying to get a group through there as a hunter), I finally got an invite. There were various guild runs, sga runs going on, but I was never able to get a spot. Again, hunter = too many of them, and too many give them a bad reputation.

The group consisted of War - tank, Pally - healer, Rogue with imp sap, frost mage, and me - MM/SV Trapping Hunter. We were all on our game. The entire run took about 90 mins. We passed up many groups who I had been talking too all night. Seriously, it was one of those magical times when everyone in the group knew their class, spec, and role in the party and performed it well. First run we one shotted every boss and had 3 deaths through the whole run. Second, we actually wiped a couple times on third boss, and about that on fourth too. Perigrino was brought in at the third boss and was able to get a fancy sword off the fourth (GRATZ to him).

Anyway, a comment on the third boss. We took him down the smoothest I have seen by just letting the tank tank and avoid the voids while keeping him in LOS, everyone else dps him with very occasional destruction of voids. WE took him down right after 2nd summon the first time, and third the second. It was awesome.
To me, every instance after shadow labs isn't all that complicated. I found shadow labs to be the most complicated instance I've done, which includes shattered halls, mech, arcatraz, and all the pre 70 ones (seth, mana tombs, etc)

Was an excellent run, I'd love to go back again and again, there's more loot there for me :)
Arcatraz has some difficult spots, but as for bosses, the Voidie in SL does seem to be the one that success or failure hinges upon near-perfect execution by all five members.
Every so often I check out how your progression is going. Glad to see you are getting the knack for shadowlabs. I had a thought for the void boss. If you find yourself shy a dps and perhaps got a prot pally, the prot pally could tank and probably overcome the voids on his own. Now I have no clue how hard the voids hit, but from what I have read they at least have low hps relative to lvl 70 characters. The prot pally can simply play it like an aoe grind session. Voids generally don't cast spells to my knowledge so melee only mobs ? Dream for a pally in that regard. With my pally when he was aoe grinding as a prot pally I could take on 5-6 mobs my lvl with comfort and I loved adds. Kill a few off and gather some more. Judge and seal light, and you are looking at a pally keeping himself up with reckoning procs. Even without he is still going to comeout on top. I have no experience with the mobs or encounter, but that could be another strat to consider.


ps(edit): also note that prot pallies witha shield spike do alot of reflective damage back on the melee mobs. You would be surprised how much with redoubt procing almost constently. Blessing of sanctuary and ret aura and those voids will go down surprisingly fast. An occasional concecration and an occasional heal from the mh to help with the pallies mana regen. Again an outside perspective.
Unfortunately, Sean, the voids ignore everything around them and travel towards the boss. No aggro, immune to taunts, and they actually don't ever attack anything.
such a tragedy. Forget everything I said. Would have been fun to do though. Silly blizzard and their scripting :)

actually, it's kind of nice to have some new scripted events. I do have to give props to blizzard to making boss encounters difficult again. If it was the standard "spank & tank", all the new content would just be more of the same old, same old. Many of the new bossfights are difficult and take a lot of work to figure out.

I've even read a few on WoWWiki that there is no "one good, commonly accepted strategy" - there are 7 or 8 "possible strategy" because people are having trouble pining down exactly what works.
You can use ice-block and you can ice-trap one..if you do need to slow the down a bit..

Anyways, we tried a somewhat different strategy last night.
I took my warrior, as he needed the key fragment and revered status with LC.
I DW fury tanked the 3rd boss, opening up with recklessness (15 seconds most hits will crit) He went down pretty fast. We had myself, a rogue, a lock and a hunter all out nuking him. Healer had no issues keeping me dps mode, as this guy doesn't hit hard.. A yeah, he died pretty fast..:cool:

Having fought that guy a lot (I'm revered with LC on war).
If you want the smoothest ride possible, take 3 dps classes and nuke him down fast..(You can even have 4 if you take a dps class tank)
Sheri's strat has proven successful more consistently then other strats in my experience.

Last time I did him, we did the DPS route.

Tanked him where he stands (on a sea of Consecration) and beat on him with all that we had. When he teleported us, we stepped back, popped trinkets, and smooshed the closest VWs. Then we smashed on him again. The VWs got pretty close (I had to move him at the end) but they couldn't get to him in time.