Sidonia and Zandaris


Hello All,

We have both run into a difficult situation. My husband, Zandaris, has chosen to file for divorce. I told him at one time that I would sign, but now I can't get myself to do it and to that he feels that I'm a flake. I don't feel that I have done anything wrong, however he feels otherwise. A counselor is out of the question at this point, he no longer wants to be married to me, but to get on with his life. I merely told him how I felt when he comes over to visit what the kids and I need, only for it to backfire and be misconstrued as I'm always wanting to control the situation. Was it wrong of me to express how I feel when he comes to visit? Is it wrong of me to say to put the game aside and spend time with us? Is it wrong for me to say or even suggest for him to pickup the kids? As many of you may know, Shawn and I have lived apart for over a year. I've been in charge of taking care of the home, kids, and doing my best to be loving while my husband is here. I admit, I can come across as unloving, but I think it's merely due to being tired and in need of support.

I don't know what else to do at this point other than pray and ask for everyone to pray as well and that God's Will be done. He's bringing the papers over this weekend, January 31st. Is it wrong of me to not sign? I guess I feel that either way he will get his way.

Pray for us.

I know that this is what I posted in another similar thread that has this same prayer need, but I still feel strongly about this subject.

Praying for God's will and Christian support for your entire family. Praising that you have had enough of His guidance to come here for support. Please feel free to PM me or other moderator's who are here to support you regardless of the outcome.

Blessings and Hugs, "Angel"

*****Moderator's Note****** This is not the time to state your feelings or convictions about this subject, but to be there for a family in need of lots of prayers. Be respectful when you post or please do not post at all.
I love the both of you unashamed, beside others that love you! May we voice in prayer for his gentle hands, that's preparing you a way that we don't know, towards a outcome we all pray for, to be pulled in tight to his bosom! Keep the want for God first, for you, and for favor for your family that needs his direction. Be strong in faith, because there's more than your loving father watching you!
My heart is in prayer!
Sidonia, we'll continue to pray for your & Shawn. I don't have any specific guidance on what your response should be on the 31st, other than to pray about it. Find out what your options are, then pray on it some more.
Well, Shawn mailed off the papers today. I told my daughter about what is happening, she's only 5. Her response was that mommy's are suppsed to be married to daddy's. Shawn is their step dad, but still played a role in their lives. I still haven't given up Hope. I'm scared, although I shouldn't be because Christ gives us a spirit of courage not fear. I guess its the though of starting all over again. We have gone through twice already, this is the third. We felt that we were finally convinced that no matter what happens we never seem to separate from each other. I love this man, its that unconditional love that I have, that no matter what he does, the love that I have for him NEVER changes.

Thank you all for your prayers,
Bonifacia aka Sidonia
Hello All.....Just giving everyone an update as to where Shawn and I are on this. He still wants to proceed with the divorce through the hardness of his heart. I on the other hand not out of rebellion but because of what I believe what I read is that divorce should NEVER happen between two Christians. Needless to say, I'm fighting this until I'm told otherwise. Shawn told me that God has already showed him what needs to be done, that divorce is wrong, however Shawn no longer wants to continue the journey. I guess what really makes me upset through it all is that through the time that we have been married over 3 years now, we have been doing it our way, not HIS. We have never given our marriage the stability that its needed, we have never put God at the top of our marriage. Shawn says that right now he just wants to focus on God and that's wonderful, but I'm angry too because we NEVER gave it our 100% doing it His way. My words mean nothing to Shawn, all that I can do is to continue to pray that God will soften his heart. Thank you all for your prayers.

p.s. Shawn told me that he canceled our Warhammer accounts, I don't know when the cancellation will happen meaning I don't know when my last day will be to log into the game. I'm sorry that I have not been playing as much, life comes first though. Thank you for welcoming me in the guild.

Ok, so let me get this straight, Shawn has a christian wife who plays WAR with him who will stand by him no matter what?

You are a christian MMO gamers dream girl. He should be praising God for you every day!

I am Paulus Fidelis, Priest of Sigmar the Grand Master of the Templars, one of the largest guilds in all of WAR and a single christian.

You can quote me on that.

I pray that God will shatter Shawns hard heart as only he can do and that he will see that his will be done in both of your lives.
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As bold as you in your confession, I to shall be in encouragement. Fear not the failure, for as this comes to be, God does not live a lie! Never has never will, and had no part of it from the beginning. So faithfully without knowing another's true heart we have to know somewhere this was so. Maybe you already know.

First key from the beginning is "made for" as he made Eve for Adam. Lol no lie! So we must Know he made one for you! Now as closely as we think we match, only through Christ can we truly know it so, for only through him can we truly use God to be UNITED! One heartbeat joined by God, blessing him so, they'll never let go! This is when a Godly marriage is performed. There's no quit in his Love and what he joins feels the same way.

With Christ it's never to late to change a cold heart hardened by the burdens of sin that only through him, will they go away, so we'll continue to pray.

P.s Do not put yourself on the cross with sadness for that cross was made for one, and keep your heart true so to see he who "he made new" standing in front of you!
P.s.s saying I love you!