So, I need a preview.

I normally can't stand FPS games, but from what I've heard, BF2 might be an exception. But, before I drop $50 on a game, I'd like to know that I won't hate it.

Is there a free trial/demo available for download anywhere? Thanks in advance.
yes there is a demo i suggest if it still works try the multiplayer demo because personally i didn't like the sigle player i just like the multiplayer it is awsome.
yes the demo is abowt 500mbs you can only play one map gold of odem or w/e and you cant get rainkd points.
Played last night for the first time.

Took me about three kills to figure out that the guys with blue names were my teammates-- was playing as the MEC, figured blue must mean USA and my mates would be orange or green. :D Although, it was pretty cool to see the Men of God server up and running.

I am horrific at piloting vehicles. I flipped a chopper upside down and crashed of my own volition, I ran over teammates with a tank, went off a cliff in a jeep. I was scared to see what I'd do with a jet.

So, after a grand total of 17 teammate kills and 0 enemy kills in just over an hour, I decided to hang it up for the night. I did severely damage a tank with the rocket launcher from the anti-tank kit, but someone else cleaned up the mess I left.

I need tips, people. I'd like to give this a fair try and not just say, "I stink at this so I'm not playing." For someone who's fairly inept at FPS in general, and has never played the BF series, what would be the first thing I should learn? (Also, I was killed about 15 times, and not once did I ever see my killer.)
Well, for starters, the main objective is to capture flags for your side. Whenever you kill a member of the opposing team, they lose a 'ticket'. The tickets are the points you see on the top left and right of the minimap. Whichever team's points reaches zero loses. Capturing flags lowers their ticket count by 2 (one for neutralizing the flag and one for capturing it). Also, If your side controls half the flags or more, the opposing side starts automatically losing tickets. The best thing to do is find a kit that you like using and get good at using it. This way you can contribute to the team effort. For example, try being a medic. Your first objective is to kill the 'other' guys. Secondly, you must heal and revive teammates. You can rack up some points being a medic and your teammates will appreciate the healing (rather than the tking lol).

Here's some tips to improve:
  • Stay out of the open when you can.
  • Run (hold shift while moving) when you can. (you will get tired and have to recharge so use sparingly)
  • Join a squad and work with your squad members. (don't be a lonewolf unless you are sniping)
  • Use your sights (right click) to improve accuracy.
  • Go prone (lay down) to greatly improve accuracy.
  • Never fire standing up unless you run into an enemy up close.
  • If you can get closer to an enemy without them knowing, it will be easier to kill them.
  • When driving a vehicle, watch out for friendly and enemy mines on roads.
My first bit of advice is to not get down about not being a great pilot. When I started, I crashed all the time. Now I can pretty much control the chopper. I'm still horrid at bombing with a plane though. Learning to drive also takes a bit of time. When you learn the maps, it becomes quite a bit easier. Second, try not to stray too far from others. It's easier to find enemies in this situation and you have people to help you out. Third, don't focus too much on the kill count. The great thing about BF2 is it's a team game that requires teamwork. Just because someone else cleans up the kill or something like that, don't forget the work you put in to help out. And finally, learn the little things about the game. Learn what each thing in a kit does. Know things like holding a med pack will heal your teammates and throwing it on the ground to be picked up will heal them automatically.
I have to say, the biggest problem I have (besides the TKing) is that I can't even see an enemy unless they're in a vehicle of some sort.

I'll definitely join a squad next time, probably just do the anti-tank kit for now.

If you can't see them use rightclick and it will make it easier to see your enemy. yes only when up close does there red name will appear or when you place the aimer on the enemy you will have there name in red appear.
I actually played a decent game yesterday with the anti-tank kit. I've actually gotten decent at sniping with the rocket launcher. I'm sure that the demo servers are not the highest level of competition, but I managed to pull off three consecutive boat/chopper hits from the deck of the carrier, and I was #2 out of 16 for that game. I even managed to score a splash on a jet, launching my rocket while hanging out the chopper window. One in a million shot. :D

Of course, I'm horribly ineffective against infantry. :mad:

I'll put this game on my Christmas list and play the demo until then.
Heh, 1 in a million shot, I wanna stick C4 to a jet that tries to squash you by flying low :D Just like my first day playing online, i shot down 2 cobra's with a sniper rifle in the same round :D Big diff between demo and full game from my experience.
I'd say hold off on putting me on the roster until at least after Christmas-- my game time is getting spread very thin as it is, and I'd hate to neglect my duties as GW chapter leader or neglect my family time... but things will be a lot less busy after the holidays.