Some new kid friendly games!


Tribe of Judah Minecraft Community Manager
So I just bought Stardew Valley and Lego worlds. Both are 14.99 on steam. Both look fantastic! I am Rawr! or dchsknight61 on steam. Hit me up when lego worlds gets multiplayer!
I'm really tempted too but unfortunately Stardew Valley just had to support same sex marriage, just an FYI for those who do not know. I'd post a link to the LBGT site lauding it but it's not the type of thing I'd link too here.

Edit: ...and no it's not an "I'm offended" thing it's a thing I try, and sometimes fail, not to support like sex or cussing. I don't play perfect games, they don't exist, I just try to be discerning and ask God what I should support with his money.
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ZOMC lego world looks awesome!Q!!1, I'll have to check with my wife >.>
I'm really tempted too but unfortunately Stardew Valley just had to support same sex marriage, just an FYI for those who do not know. I'd post a link to the LBGT site lauding it but it's not the type of thing I'd link too here.

Edit: ..and no it's not an "I'm offended" thing it's a thing I try not to support like sex or cussing. I don't play perfect games, they don't exist, I just try to be discerning and ask God what I should support with his money.

I understand. I don't participate in that aspect of those kind of games and just like SWTOR it is optional. It is not required for me to Participate in that aspect of the game to do well in the game. It does not affect my marriage or my spiritual life in any way. It is just a video game and has 0 affect on my life what so ever.

BUt if we are gonna get super serious about things like sex and cussing, then killing people too needs to be there. All sin is sin. No matter what it is.

We as believers can not have the mentality that some sin is not ok(Homosexuality) and some is(Drinking, drugs, murder). In which case all those things are optional it is all the same. In the grand scheme of things it has to be an all or nothing mentality. Other wise it is just Hypocrisy. Meaning you have a stance against homosexuality it is is somehow ok for you to participate in things like gunning someone down(TF2) or getting sloppy drunk(almost all fantasy games) or Sorcery(All fantasy games). It just two faced hypocrisy. Sin is sin. All sin is an affront to God. he does not differentiate or show preference.

But if it is bothers you I wont talk about it. Because it is also a Meat sacrificed to false gods issue. My liberty in Christ affords me the ability to play these games. If yours doesn't it is not issue, we just wont discuss it.
I understand. I don't participate in that aspect of those kind of games and just like SWTOR it is optional. It is not required for me to Participate in that aspect of the game to do well in the game. It does not affect my marriage or my spiritual life in any way. It is just a video game and has 0 affect on my life what so ever.

BUt if we are gonna get super serious about things like sex and cussing, then killing people too needs to be there. All sin is sin. No matter what it is.

We as believers can not have the mentality that some sin is not ok(Homosexuality) and some is(Drinking, drugs, murder). In which case all those things are optional it is all the same. In the grand scheme of things it has to be an all or nothing mentality. Other wise it is just Hypocrisy. Meaning you have a stance against homosexuality it is is somehow ok for you to participate in things like gunning someone down(TF2) or getting sloppy drunk(almost all fantasy games) or Sorcery(All fantasy games). It just two faced hypocrisy. Sin is sin. All sin is an affront to God. he does not differentiate or show preference.

But if it is bothers you I wont talk about it. Because it is also a Meat sacrificed to false gods issue. My liberty in Christ affords me the ability to play these games. If yours doesn't it is not issue, we just wont discuss it.
It doesn't bother me at all to talk about it in fact as Christians we should be doing the iron sharping iron thing in Christian love. The only problem is such discussions take a long time which few have, including me XD.

I don't discern between one sin being worse than another thus I mentioned sex and cussing. The reason I posted is because often people fail to look up content in games prior to purchasing them and should be informed rather than make impulse purchases. Stardew in particular seems completely innocuous and with a thread title like "kid friendly games" I'm willing to bet some will never research to find it supports same sex marriage. Thus I informed them not because it's worse than other games, it's actually probably tamer, but because it's not obvious or expected. I've done this before with other games and with other sins. I've seen too many posts gush about how good a game is and not mention what content is in it.

There may be a couple misconceptions here. Firstly "killing" is not a sin "murder" is a sin. If "killing" were a sin we could not eat anything because you kill plants or animals when you eat them. For that matter "sex" is not a sin but it's awfully wordy to list things like adultery, sex outside marriage, pedophilia, rape so I just said sex and cussing casually. The point is sin is not a creation unto itself sin is a mis-timing, at the wrong place or with the wrong person etc. There is a time and a place for everything under heaven and when you do something out of God's timing then it's a sin. Thus one should discern between a game that has you heroically protecting people by killing the monsters that want to eat them and gunning down innocent people on the street for hoe money (I don't care how shiny the gardening implement is you don't need it that bad :p ). Violence is not a sin Christ could not have whipped the money changers otherwise, it is the context that matters. As to TF2 I have debated with myself as to the morality of the context of it's violence but the subject goes beyond TF2 and into virtually any plot-less multi-player game. Honestly I have more of a problem with the language and sex in TF2 because it's context is clear (it's in the videos not the game so much) which I've also talked about in the past as well as TF2's positives. Regardless I have mentioned the negatives. To not lengthen this topic further I'll not get into it but if you really want to :) .

The second misconception is many Christians tend to think of what I should play only in terms of "Am I sinning?" not what effect my purchases are having on the world. Clearly there is an agenda in the world to normalize homosexuality, make it acceptable and not a sin. Yes that goes for all sin but today this sin in particular is on the world's agenda so as the saying goes (like Wolfeman said once ;) ) the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Every time we see someone saying "yes" there needs to be a "no" out there. Paul talked about it not being a personal sin for him to eat meat given to idols but also said if it caused his brother to stumble he would give it up. Games are no different. When you purchase a game with a sin you encourage developers to make more like it thus we've ended up in a deluge of media that is specifically encouraging homosexuality because not enough people said no. Whether one can personally avoid the option in the game is completely erroneous to the point. So when I see a game encourages a sin, and more so people probably don't know it does, I call it out.

Also to those who say "it's just a game" everything we do influences us. If it didn't matter why would the LGBT push these things? Sin will always seek acceptance and validation because of people's consciences. I can also remember reading one article with a gay women talking about how Fallout (2 I believe it was) actually introduced her to homosexuality. Media pushes ideas. It's not the only influence in people's lives but it is something and when on a massive scale, as it is now, it most certainly matters.

Please understand my post was not against you and I wasn't looking to make a big deal of it. As I mentioned I don't play perfect games either and do put up with some stuff. There are definitely games that are worse in their influence I'd avoid far, far, before Stardew. I may even break down and get Stardew one day but I'm not going to be blind or silent about it's negatives. I regret buying "The Sims 3" and from what I can tell it's a far worse game agenda wise than Stardew even though 99% of my personal play was honorable (with the 1%, no excuses, I just messed up). Regardless I've also avoided many, many things, for multiple sins, but for us to do that we need to be informed and more so encouraged. Even though we ultimately avoid these things for God it helps to be told that we aren't alone in our objections and to fight the good fight! Thus my post.

I've actually done similar discussions like this numerous times thus I made this page a while back .
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Snip for size!

OH man Thanks for your post!

So first off. I need you all to know, sometimes I can come off as "jerkish" I am trying, I really am. I don't want you all to think I don't like any of you.

I have just had some bad experiences with so called "Christian" guilds and so I don't pull any punches or have a filter.

You mr.gerbil have made my day. You are perhaps the first person i have ever had this kind of conversation with and actually have said conversation! The last time something like this happened a guild master just up and cut the guild with out discussing anything with any one because of the Homosexual relationships in SWTOR. He would not talk to anyone, he would speak about it or discuss. He mentality was he paid for the website so he got to do what ever he wanted. And that angered a bunch of people.

I appreciate your time and what you said. yous poke to me like an actual brother in Christ and that says volumes about you!

I do disagree with some of what you said but it is not anything to bring up and argue about between brothers in Christ!

That being said. I am still nerding out about lego worlds. I am itching to get home and try it out!
So first off. I need you all to know, sometimes I can come off as "jerkish" I am trying, I really am. I don't want you all to think I don't like any of you.

You aren't coming off jerkish so no worries :) .

That being said. I am still nerding out about lego worlds. I am itching to get home and try it out!
Hey nerd out about Stardew too if you like it looks fun :) . Again there is lot more to object to in many other games only people need to ask what content is in a game and what God wants them to do about it before the "nerdining" takes hold of them :p . The thing about Stardew is I can see a parent buying it for their child and then having said child ask them why two men can marry in it or worse not ask them. So yeah it can pay to know beforehand.
You aren't coming off jerkish so no worries :) .

Hey nerd out about Stardew too if you like it looks fun :) . Again there is lot more to object to in many other games only people need to ask what content is in a game and what God wants them to do about it before the "nerdining" takes hold of them :p . The thing about Stardew is I can see a parent buying it for their child and then having said child ask them why two men can marry in it or worse not ask them. So yeah it can pay to know beforehand.

Stardew is amazing. Though I can see the view point of the parent thing. There is magic in it too.
I have Lego Worlds, can't find you on Steam you can try and add me if you want my Steam name is gwenavirre