Something New!


If you have looked at the map in the last couple of days, you may have seen something a bubble appear in the ocean. What is that strange bubble?

Introducing the ToJ Arena!

Set in the middle of the ocean, sits the very first Tribe of Judah Mob Arena. Enjoy wave after wave of mobs alone, or with your friends!

There is a new building at spawn that explains how to join the arena.

These commands can be issued by all players. They include joining, leaving, spectating and listing arenas as well as listing players.

/ma join or /ma j - Join the arena if only one exists. Otherwise, join the Master Lobby (will be featured later).
/ma join <arena> or /ma j <arena> - Join the arena with the specified name.
/ma leave or /ma l - Leave the current arena, or the spectator area.
/ma notready - Get a list of all players who aren't ready.
/ma spectate or /ma spec - Spectate the arena if only one exists.
/ma spectate <arena> or /ma spec <arena> - Spectate the arena with the specified name.
/ma arenas - Get a list of all arenas. Green names are enabled, gray names are disabled.
/ma players - Get a list of all arena players.
/ma players <arena> - Get a list of arena players in the specified arena.

Pics of the inside:

Arena Floor:

Spectator Floor:
Found an issue already.. It was reported to me that when you try and join the arena, you get teleported to just below the Arena Lobby, and fall into the spectators area, and are unable the choose your class.

I will need to fix this tonight when I get home from work, so use at your own risk. :)