Something's wrong with REM


New Member

I just thought I'd post that Hopeful and I have tried a 2 day trial on Dark Crag, and we love it.

That alone is not why I have come. I want to say also that we don't know what we're doing, but we do know we're having fun over there.

Us from Redeemed (Hopeful and I) have joined with Lions of Judah, and merged to form a temporary guild called 'Lions' to have fun in a casual way.

We actually find we enjoy it. There are plenty of scenarios to play that pop frequently, and there are 8 of us actively playing on a 2 day span so far.

I am not actively recruiting. Please know we are just having fun over there. I am GreatHeart and Hopeful is now Joyful.

Enjoy Red Eye Mountain, we may come back to our T4 characters, but in the meantime, we are having a blast and enjoying it so much we keep coming back night after night.

I understand you all have heavily invested in REM server. I completely understand that, and I believe you will be rewarded as I think this game isn't going anywhere soon. However, what moved us was the 45 minute wait for a scenario. Over at Dark Crag it is typically 5 minutes to no more than 15 minutes for a fun scenario.

It's just a casual guild. You can join up with no problem.

Enjoy whichever server you like. By the way, the eight of us are all under rank 12.


1 Timothy 1:12-17 - Christ Jesus Came Into the World to Save Sinners
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Actually, Blacklisted (the top order guild on REM), several other good order players, and a lot of the better destro players moved to Dark Crag for the same reasons (scenarios taking forever and more action on Dark Crag).

I've thought of possibly starting an alt WH and WP on that server, but I don't think I can just leave Kutluch and Guilo to rot on REM... I've spent too much time on them, and don't want to just drop them.

I may drop in from time to time though, so watch out for Kutluch and Guilo. Have fun on Dark Crag. :)
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It seems that a LOT of people from both sides, from REM, are rolling alts on Dark Crag to chill out and have fun. -> REM invades Dark Crag

Good luck over there, I plan on sticking through the thick and thin of REM, Redeemed, pre-made destro groups, slow queue times, whatever.