Sportsmanship lacking...


New Member
*taken from*
1. The fact or practice of participating in sports or a sport.
2. Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing.

1. Resembling Christ in character, actions, etc...

These are 2 things that many of the players on the ToJ server lack. This post is not meant as a whine or a complaint, simply a statement of my opinion. Being a Christian does not begin and end at church on Sunday morning. Being Christlike is something that ALL of us should strive for in everything that we do, even counterstrike. This server, founded on the principles of Christ, is a lot of times no different than any other public server. Sure we warn and kick people who cuss, or say derogatory remarks about our Savior, but do we truly have Him in our hearts when we play this game?

Too many times have I seen players with a K:D ratio that far exceeds other players, and yet they still use the same weapon (usually AWP or Colt/AK) every round. All the while, the other members of their team only have a handful of kills. Why be selfish and continue to use a weapon that you dominate with? Why not step your weapon down and allow the other members of your team a chance at some kills. Sure you may lose a few rounds, but, I thought the point of this server was to have fun as Christians? Am I wrong?

Another situation I see alot is when several members of the same team are dominating the map. And all of them continue to (1) use the same powerful weapon, and (2) refuse to unstack the teams. Whenever I play, I can get a feel for which team is the strongest, and I constantly look at the stat board to see which team has won the most, who has the best K:D ratio, etc... If I am on the winning team, I one needs to tell me the teams are stacked. I do this because I understand that there are other people besides me on this server, who may not be having fun or getting frustrated by losing every round.

Yes, this is a rather long post, but I believe it is something that alot of members need to read and comprehend. Allow God to speak to your can still hear Him through the headphones

Your brother in Christ,
Joe [godspeed]
Something that I will do in the future is push tab instead of just using auto assign. I try and tell people to unstack teams but more often than not it doesn't work. I wish that there was something that could automaticly ballance teams that Elite could put on the server because nobody else has ever had this problem in cs. Something that doesnt happen to me alot is having a very high kill to death ratio. But if it does... I would switch teams because killz dont = skillz
Working on it, Fleck. Thanks for the great post Godspeed, I missed seeing you on the server, bro!
I agree with you Godspeed. It does become very discouraging when one or two players on one team totally owns the round with their AWPs or Autosnipers. There isn't much fun in being spawn killed in dust2.

I have been on when the admin has told a team that has obvious control of the map to lay down weapon types until the score is closer. I have traded sides myself from the loosing teams to the winning team to let the good players balance the teams (often I am the dude with 4 kills and 43 deaths). I have asked players to switch and sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

I think it does happen, maybe not as much as alot of us n00bs would like. Sometimes, you have to take the situation into your own hands and ask the AWPing team to lay off the AWPs to give the loosing team a chance. Sometimes an Admin may not do something about an obvious advantage until somebody screams. Sometimes, it is easy to overlook an appearant stacked team until somebody from the other team mentions it. I trust that the admins, upon hearing somebody saying that a team appears to be too dominate, they will take corrective steps.
GP - we usually try and satisfy everyone's requests. I think the admin's have been doing a great job so far and we are always trying to make improvements. Post's like Godspeeds really challenges us sometimes when we get too lax, and we need that sometimes!

We are always up for suggestions, so please keep them coming.
I agree Elite, wasn't nocking the Admins. Actually thought I was being quite supportive. Saying that they do handle requests. Just saying, sometimes you can't handle a request that hasn't been made and that it would be okay to make a request.

I was simply suggesting that Godspeed make some requests. I was doing that all last night, making requests. I got on during de_cbble and the CTs where annhilating the T's like 17-5 and the CTs were still AWPing. So I asked the CTs to put down their AWPs to give us T's a chance. Most people are good at honouring the requests on ToJ without admin intervention. Which is why I like playing on ToJ.

I am sorry if my other post came across as condescending. It certainly wasn't meant that way.
Hey all, I appreciate the replies that this
post has recieved thusfar, and I thank you for
understanding my opinion.  And thats what the
original post is, my opinion.  I am in NO way
implying that the admins or that ALL members of
the server are behaving in an unsportsmanlike
manner.  Very much the opposite.  I enjoy
(maybe too much, from what the wife
says...hehe) the time that I spend with the
members of ToJ on the server.  Playing CS for
me is a release from the pressures of the day,
as I'm sure it is to alot of you.  The last
thing I want is to log on to the server, and be
owned round after round, by someone who is more
skilled than most.  I don't want these people
to leave and find another server, I just want
us as ToJ members (admins and non-admins alike)
to point out that this server is a Christian
server, and that we would like everyone to act
accordingly.  Everyone does a great job at
reminding players not to cuss or ridicule
others, I am just suggesting that we all keep
in mind the enjoyment that others may or may
not be having while on our server.  I realize
that alot of people will not speak up because
they don't want to be labeled as "a whiny
n00b"...pish posh.  This server was founded on
the principles of Christianity, and I
wholeheartedly believe that it IS possible that
Counterstike and Christ are not
counterproductive...its up to us to make it
that way.  Let's show everyone on this server
that we are a group of Christians who enjoy the
game of CS and are able to fellowship with each
other in a courteous, yet competitive way.

Joe [Godspeed]

PS, Elite, I miss our talks on MSN...I am going to remember to keep it running at work, so whenever we see that each other is on, maybe we can chat it up a bit
GP - I didn't take it as condescending. I was more like reiterating what you said and adding my own two cents. But thanks!

Godspeed - You prolly don't know but I started a new job on Dec 1 and I have yet to "test the waters" by logging (actually even installing Trillian) to see if it works. There is pretty high security around here so I doubt that I will be able but we'll see. Once they get me my new laptop I might be able to try it. Looking forward to catching up with ya!

If anyone sees me online and I don't answer, it's because I'm online at my home PC even though I'm at work.
I agree with this to an extent GS. I hate it when teams get stacked like last night on cbble and I joined the other team (Alan you remember this) to even the teams. Its not hard and even if I die more I still feel teams are/were now somewhat even.

As far as dominating weapons. I get your point and your right in some ways (in my opinion) but lack so sense in others. Awps are one of the most controversial pub weapons of all time besides the new problems with autosniper. I don't see anything wrong with a few ppl on a team awping it up every round (even if there dominating) b/c hey thats what there good at and God be with them. But if everyone is awping (from all the money etc) it makes it not so fun and its good to keep them to a trim. Same goes for other weapons though I find that ak/colt domination isn't really a problem and if it is, its usually just one or two people (if you can't deal with that Im sorry but thats just silly).

I pub in toj and many other pubs while not scrimming. What most pubbers don't realize is when I scrim I rotate 3main guns and use one kind of pistol. If I go in a pub and I own it b/c Im using those guns Im not going to put it down because someone is getting mad for whatever reason b/c doing so may bring down my skill in that weapon which would make me highly irritated when I screw up in scrim (frankly pubbing is target practice while talking to my friends which are all you guys).

Now saying that I want you to realize Im not just stubborn i will change around a little but not much b/c some other competition person who is good with awp may be in there so I switch to ak/colt just to thin awps a bit....see where Im going with this?

My who point is this: Team stacking is uncool and uncalled for, if its a problem (this is for all toj members) please fix it, its not the other peoples job to join the other teams for you, its our duty to serve and making them mad and go to other team isn't helping the ministry. I.E. you toj=help in server needs by evening teams. 2
2ndly Problems with one man teams. I can't say much about this except pubs are full of unskilled players and very skilled players (its just a vast field). There will always be one or two people dominating, thats just the way it is. As a toj player I will do my best to help in thinning awps by dropping mine or designating 1-3 ppl to awp but as far as ak/colt goes I find it silly that even though someone is owning it up ak/colt the other team can't take 1-2ppl (or in case of kill hording) how team members can't get as many kills as the dominate player (unless there is lack of skill). /

Thats my opinion, to each his own.
wow... that almost convinced me of Micah deserving to be in honors classes. o_O

Newayz.. in short I agree with Micah to an extent but fair is fair and if I have a 60-15 score and I'm awping/SEMI-AUTO then I will put it down and procede in owning with my deagle. =P
I was at first inclined to respond with the typical response to this kind of thing.
"Its just a game, the guns are part of it, get over it"
But if you really think about it, we as Christians should be seeking to spread the gospel not get a high kill/death ratio. Bah I'm too tired to write anymore, you get what I'm saying.
If this is a repeat, pardon me.

We're currently looking at implementing (actually elite is doing all the legwork) an advanced auto-team balancer. It takes a look at K:D, team wins and whatnot from what I see, and balances them out accordingly. I predict that there will be many satisfied players if this team balancer does what it's supposed to do.
I'm not so much worried about the weapons (although AWPs get VERY old, VERY quickly). I just want the teams to be even skill-wise - I know how it is to be playing poorly or having a bad team.

This new plug-in will take care of the uneven skill problem, not the weapon problem. The only thing I don't like about this plug-in is that it will kick players trying to join the winning team. I do think I have the option to turn that off, otherwise it's a solid plug-in.

BTW - the server will need to be restarted for it to go into effect. I'll let you know.
The Team Balancer plug-in will be implemented by week's end...just in time for the CS tryouts, lol.

The shield plug-in will be available - NICE TRY!
I dunno, I can't use either. I stick to the AK/Colt/MP5 - and the deadliest weapon of all: the P-90!

Hmmm...the P90 eh!?!?!

There goes my theory that if I die enough, eventually the competition will keel themselves laughing.
Bah out of all the smgs you know that the mp5 owns all (especially sniping). Yeah sad when you <3 to snipe so much your 2nd round mp5 b/c your sniper rifle!