Sportsmanship lacking...

ump is better than the mp5, but elite is right p90 is the best sub in the game just run forward and shoot
The weapons create a team imbalance though right, one team with AWP's is going to wipe the floor with the other team, and thus cause the team balancer module to activate and switch players with awps for ones without. The AWP's will still be there, it's just that both teams will have an equal (or thereabouts) ammount of them.
The P-90 got nerfed a while back I think in the early CS beta stages because it was very powerful, very accurate, little recoil, and 50 rounds. The only bad thing was that the reload time was far longer than most guns.
I have to agree with Dead_Aim on this one ... mp5 is very accurate, which is why it's a better weapon. You can run around (don't crouch) and just aim for the head and most likely, you'll be the one still standing in the end. Try to run and shoot while holding an AK, totally different! mp5 is great for rushing in CQC (close quarters combat).

Tip: While holding mp5, aim high (like around head level or where you think they're head will be) and don't stop running ... all while holding down the trigger and aiming for the head the entire time.
With all this talk of which gun is > than the others, I must say that the scout is the greatest pistol of all; it even doubles as a sniper rifle. Long live the no scope!

El Jefe de Nadie
spooky wooky wooky:D
[b said:
Quote[/b] ([]El Jefe[sww:D] @ Feb. 05 2004,4:55)]With all this talk of which gun is > than the others, I must say that the scout is the greatest pistol of all;
Since when is the scout a pistol?
You've never seen me no scope, obviously
Scouts have several qualities of pistols. The small clip size (10 bullets); relative accuracy in close range (even without the scope); a purty grey look; not fully automatic firing speed. I mean, sure, to buy it you have to go into the "Rifle" buy section, but I'm sure that was just some programming error...

spooky wooky^2
Personally, I like using elites as my primary "fully auto" weapon, in which case my scout would have to act as my secondary "pistol." Really, it just makes the game much more interesting if you find odd ways of terming your weapons. Just be wary if you ever see me running around with a flash bang as my primary weapon and a knife as my pistol. Be afraid.

El Jefe de Nadie
spooky wooky wooky:D