State of the Guild... :)


New Member
When KoIA was first brought to ToJ, it had 3 active members.

Roughly 3 months later, having as many as 12 active players, some left, some joined...we sit at an active 7 members.

Currently we have 15 total active accounts, but only 7 seem to log on every day, or every other day.

While 7 active members is plenty to see much of the game, time after time we have seen people join us, have fun, then disappear with out a word. This tends to be very discouraging.

After saying all this, I am trying to think of some recruiting ideas...also, why would people completely drop something they seem to enjoy...are we doing something wrong? ...Any ideas?
If you need tips on recruiting, don't hesitate to post in the ToJ Staff Forum. Several staff members have previous recruiting experience. It's been a while since I've done any formal recruiting myself, but I could probably whip up a helpful post, too.
Possibly post on the Official Forums? What better way to get new folks than a 5-page thread of people bashing beliefs? :p I'm serious, try it out! :O