Stem-Cell Research

NOTE TO ALL ! ! ! !

Please keep your comments to the topic at hand.
Editorial comments like "That's Stupid" will shut this topic down.

There is useful discussion to be had around this topic.  We may not agree on everything, but we don't mind discussing topics in a civil manner. Any posts with personal attacks will be deleted entirely.

A couple of posts are coming very close... Please watch your words.

Adult stem cells cannot handle all regenerative therapy needs due to its aforementioned limitations, and embryonic stem cells can be used to fill those gaps.
You can't place all your eggs in one basket. Yes, adult stems cells can't handle all the regenative therapies, but its only the media that is feeding the general (uneducated on this topic, or choosing to only rely on the media) populace that stem cell research is the hail mary of medical research, it cleary is not. (Just a few years ago, the hail mary was the mapping of the human genome, that fizzled pretty quick). And what is worse is that media, is spoon feeding people into a false sense of security that it can only be embryonic stem cells that can be used to solve all of lifes medical problems. It cleary can not.
I'm not saying that it can though. You're right in saying that we should not bank so firmly on the potential health benefits of embryonic stem cell research when there are so many problematic issues with their usage, but the perhaps more reliable adult stem cells cannot do the job oin their own either.
I am not going to entertain petty arguments based on semantics. Please re-read the ToS and post accordingly.

I am deeply disappointed that things degenerated to a point where this topic needed to be closed. As always, I will answer any questions through PM

This topic is opened again. Hating to sound like a parent, but if anyone steps out of line it will result in a warning bump.
