Sunwell Trash Run

Tree and I looked into it extensively and think it is fantastic for effort/reward ratio. We have read all the posts on elitist jerks and other sites that lay out the strat and the session drop ratios. The main problem with Red running it is that it is requires 5 mages minimum. We have been unsuccessful to ever find a night that had 5 geared mages online and willing to do it.
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We actually talked about this last night. We are always overviewing our raiding and thinking of a better places/instances that we could be with our loot and skill.
When we tried this ad hoc a few weeks ago we could tell it was very possible to pull off...and a fun challenge. Sunwell is a great-looking instance.
Hey guys, actually last weekend I got in a pug group for sunwell trash farming and in two hours we got about 12 epic gems. Not everyone necessarily has to be perfectly geared mainly the mages are needed just for the sheeping lol. We had 7 mages, 2 hunters, a druid, 2 pallies, a priest, a shammy healer or two, and a warrior I think. Maybe i'm forgetting some but we had 15-20. It was really smooth as long as mages stayed on top of the sheeping and people payed attention to the kill order, hunters took care of the imps that spawned and it went rather quickly. Just kill all 6 leave one for the soft reset, everyone runs out and then back in.
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