Tek's Writing Challenge: Tek7, 2nd attempt

Arg! Five days in a row (Apr. 22 - Apr. 26) and I miss Apr. 27.

See, what happened was...

  • 8:30 a.m.: Wake up late for work, rush out the door without breakfast.
  • 1 p.m.: Scarf down food, skip my lunch hour to make up part of the two hours I miss by leaving work early.
  • 3 p.m.: Leave work early to drive two hours to a wedding.
  • 6 p.m.: Attend wedding for wife's relative.
  • 10 p.m.: Get to the hotel and completely forget about my 100 words for the day.
  • 11:30 p.m.: Fall asleep.
I'm requesting a pass from Dorkelf for the following reasons:
  1. I've already covered five days in a row,
  2. I already lost my Friday night and Saturday up to 4 p.m. fulfilling family obligations,
  3. My "window of relaxation" has been cut down to Saturday evening and Sunday evening only,
  4. Some little monster wouldn't stop kicking my chair, poking me in the back, and occasionally grabbing my shirt through the slats of the chair (seriously, it was nearly constant for the entire hour-long ceremony and the parents did nothing). :mad:
My last reason alone should evoke sufficient pity to lend weight to my request:

Dorkelf: I am hereby requesting a pass to continue the challenge and mark today (Apr. 28) as my sixth day.
4. I've found that syringes loaded with sedatives and concealed in many and various places on my body help to... defuse those kinds of situations.
I sent today's (Apr. 28) entry to Dorkelf via PM since it (1) is part of a larger series I've been imagining and writing for some time and (2) wasn't very good at all.
Turning 26: A Cautionary Tale

Moderator's note: Post text deleted at OP's request.
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I just cashed in one of my two "non-fiction entry" tickets (see Dorkelf's post for context) today. I hope to return to writing fiction for tomorrow's entry.

EDIT: Oh, good gravy, people. That last entry weighed in at over 1,500 words. Perhaps I need to add a point labeled "Learn brevity" to my essay.

EDIT: Okay, granted, about 100 of those words belong to other people, but 1,400 words is still a decent amount.
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It will get you out of the youth group sub-culture for at least one week and prove that following Christ is more about feeding the hungry and loving others than wearing those silly WWJD bracelets (do people still wear those?) and telling your non-Christian friends how evil dating is.
Amen, Tek, preach it!
Tek7 said:
Don't write a blog. Type up your angst-ridden rants and poems lamenting unrequited love and store them in a Word document in a password-protected directory on your computer and lock your computer in a cage. Learn to communicate your most private feelings, but have the good sense not to share it with complete strangers. This rule does not apply to people who are either (a) extraordinarily talented in the field of writing or (b) hypocrites. I fall into group B, so I'll continue on to my next point.
Aren't we all hypocrites?:confused:
Phew, I almost forgot about today's 100 words. I just finished watching tonight's episode of Heroes and have to stop going over how cool that episode was so I can concentrate and write my lines for the day.

If Dorkelf does grant my request for a one-day pass, then this will be the last day of the seven-day challenge for me. w00t!

Hang tight a little while longer. My next post will be my hundred words for the day.
Well, I made seven days (almost) in a row. :D Here's day #8 (assuming Dorkelf will approve my request for a pass for Apr. 27).

I wrote 100 words tonight (108, to be exact), but they were written in regards to my vision for Tribe of Judah for 2007. I've scanned and e-mailed the handwritten page to Dorkelf.

I would have written more, but today was quite packed:
  • 8:30 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Work
  • 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.: Lunch
  • 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: Work
  • 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.: Traffic
  • 6:30 p.m. - 7:50 p.m.: Sleep
  • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m.: House on Fox
  • 9:15 p.m. - 10:15 p.m.: Check forums, chat with SirThom on TeamSpeak
  • 10:30 p.m. - 11 p.m.: Wind down for the day, write out notes for Tribe of Judah
  • 11:15 p.m.: Bed
Day 9

There once was a baby bunny named Bobo. Baby bunny bobo liked to hop around the forest, eat tasty spring leaves, and, of course, wage unceasing warfare against other forest creatures.

No one could recall the origins of the war between the baby bunnies and the tiny turtles. Since forest creatures do not bother to record their histories, they had only the stories passed down from one generation to the next. And as everyone knows, baby bunny bombardiers and tiny turtle troops are not the most reliable sources of historical data.

While Bobo may not have known what he was fighting for, he knew that he was quite good at it. He wielded a full arsenal of bombs, ballistics, and blowtorches. He knew the terrain of the forest very well, having been born, raised, trained, commissioned, and promoted in the same shaded glen.

Then one day, a giant yellow shiny beast with huge nasty teeth named CAT came and destroyed the forest, killing every creature in it.

The moral of the story is: Nothing destroys wildlife and habitats like a CAT bulldozer. If you want to decimate an ecosystem to install a new parking lot for a new strip mall, then CAT is your best bet.

EDIT: And I'm still over 200 words. Goodness. What can one hope to accomplish in 100 words?
Day 10 (May 3, 2007): One Hundred Words (not posted)
Day 11 (May 4, 2007): Spiral (not posted)
Day 12 (May 5, 2007): Idea/summary for short animated film (not posted)
Day 13 (May 6, 2007): Idea for short animated film entitled Psyche (not posted)
Day 14 (May 7, 2007): Mini-rant typed on my Siemens SX66 (not posted)
Day 15 (May 8, 2007): Letter sent to old friend from Tulsa (not posted)
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Day 16 (May 9, 2007): Screenplay idea (not posted)
Day 17 (May 10, 2007): Usagi, Chapter 1 (not posted)
Day 18 (May 11, 2007): Usagi, Chapter 2 (not posted)
Day 19 (May 12, 2007): Mini-rant (not posted)
Day 19 (May 12, 2007): Mini-rant (not posted)

Ut-oh. You can't just say something like that without giving us at least a few sketchy details... :D

I'm impressed with your writing progress Tek - you've set a great example of regular writing for the group and it's been an inspiration to me too.

Ut-oh. You can't just say something like that without giving us at least a few sketchy details... :D
Trust me when I say that this particular piece should never see the light of publication. I was feeling somewhat discouraged the other night and decided to "vent" and write out my rant rather than trying to cheer myself up. The rant itself was about how society leads children to believe that life is continually exciting when, in fact, the average life of the average person during the average day is actually quite dull. One could remove the negative angle and discuss the flaws in how our society raises false hopes in our children, but that's an entirely different piece.

EDIT: Was that 100 words there?


Just kiddin'. I'll try to write something up before the night's out.