The person below me thread part SIX!!!!

False, life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass....its about learning to dance in the rain!

The person below me is being tickled by the person behind you...
mike & ike yummers

the person below me is going to learn a new language soon.
False...there are so many other reasons..I can't pick just one.

The person below me loves to go to the doctor.
True... our great Physician has wonderful healing hands,
the person below has recently renewed their dedication to their walk with Jesus
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True. But being intensely private about such things I shan't elaborate.

The person below me is shocked and awed that this thread has been dead for over a month, since before the expansion!
True, teh Priest is BACK!! 80!! Woot woot!

The person below me will tank this thread.
True, I guess I should since apparently I started it... <shrugs>

The person below me will tank it after I am one-shot.
True, and stand there tanking on your corpse.

The person below me is looking forward to raiding, but is taking a while to get to 80 like I am.
True, definitely definitely true ... I'd forgotten what it felt like to have everyone racing through Kara while I was plodding through Zangarmarsh squashing mushrooms, but now all of the emotions have come flooding back...

The person below me was confused by Goblit's holiday activity and is being a secret spammer rather than a secret Santa...