The person below me thread part SIX!!!!

False, kids will be kids...and play what you want to...its supposed to be FUN!

The person below me thinks I need to level my tank first in the expansion.
false im watching some random show that i dont know the name

the person below me likes deep fried pecan pie on a stick
whoa! never had it but sounds like a heart stopper.

the person below me is wishing today was saturday and tomorrow is Sunday again.
Not son has tomorrow off of school so I get to sleep in WOOT!

The person below me wants to play WOW and WAR and can't decide...
True and I still don't have high speed so I cant play either:(

The person below me wants to just play anything!
True...spider solitair ftw

The person below actualy plays spider solataire with real cards and not just the puter version, with all 4 different suits.
err no i played normal solataire but i ended up cheatin cause i would flip the card over... yeah it wasn't pretty

the person below me wishes that everything could be fried in the world...
uhmmm no Tried a deep fried twinky just to say i did and regreted it :eek:

The person below me still wants to know how blizz combined aspect of the monkey and aspect of the hawk and got aspect of the dragonhawk...????
true, yummy yummy

the person below me is going to work tomorrow.
false, i have a sleepin dog that is sleepin on a stuffed animal does that count?

the person below me has read up on their class changes in wotlk
I have read up on them but know its the ground baby

The person below me wants to hit BT by wrath
Tralse. I only want to hit BT if I know everybody in that raid understands what to do at each boss before we start.

The person below agrees, it would be fun to hit up BT but a lot less fun if people don't read up on the bosses first.
False, can't say I want to go there myself.

The person below me will explain to us foreigners what Top Ramen is.
True, Goodness wrapped in Joy.....
the person below me wishes Hawaii would should shift over to west coast time so este could raid with redeemed

the person below thinks it would be easier and and alot more fun to move to Hawaii so Estebar could raid with Redeemed.
Tralse....Although meeting estebar would be awesome... lived in Hawaii....too many Tourists

The preson below me likes the new world event that is currently going on (the scourge one not hallows end)