The story writer


I have learned of what I thought was the greatest anti-blurp item on my cpu hehehehe Its called word hehehe man I have put stories on that thing, saved, edited. This has prolly stopped me from being overly goofy BUT I have noticed that this word thingy points out grammer problems and sentence errors n such. When this is used I sense that It takes the human factor out of the story. Do writers conform to what the word says is correct sentencing? Doesn't the writer set their own limits in their own story? Do writers even use that option? Anyway just wondered if anyone else uses m word and if there is something a noob should know about using word.
I have to imagine that auto-correct is a good feature for some folks, but I really am skeptical about whether it ends up teaching anybody about correct grammar. None of my versions of Word auto-correct - they simply underline whatever the program determines to be misspelled or grammatically questionable. Then I can right-click for Word to tell me what it has identified as incorrect - much of the time it will offer a suggested revision. I really value this feature myself, because it often draws my attention to things I've overlooked, and it leaves it up to me whether to correct them and how to correct them.
