The vision for the Christian Gamers Alliance in 2015 and beyond

as an ongoing conversation.... and dont hate me for suggesting this.....

what if we did weekly/monthly email marketing of amazon affiliate links to
the CGA members, while creating articles to back up why
christian gamers would buy the product?

If anything, and this is my biggest point,

if they at least clicked a link, the
amazon reference code for CGA
would be in their browser cache...

I regular do this kind of email marketing and I've noticed
other forums do it too.

I think its worth a shot even in the welcome email to check out the A-store and use our link
Some time ago, there was a site concept launched that I would love to see some of its concept continued with the new content system if/when it gets implemented. One of the things the site did, and where my personal contribution fit in, was engaging with games/gaming culture and relating it to biblical/theological ideas. I can't find a link to an archived copy, but an example would be when I paralleled the repeated myth nature of the Zelda series with the nothing new under the sun concept in Ecclesiastes.

I digress. I would love to see articles written that are engaging games and gamer culture in a way that benefits the 'Alliance on a level beyond entertainment. (To paraphrase Barth, the Bible in one hand and a strategy guide in the other.) And those articles would be perfect places to put direct aStore links.

Articles with Amazon store links in them. 100% in favor of this.

And I find it inoffensive to include an aStore link in the newcomer emails.
now if we wanted to be really creative........ we might consider a way to gamify? the forums...........
now if we wanted to be really creative........ we might consider a way to gamify? the forums...........
Like this?

...I'm pretty sure there's nothing offensive in it, but i haven't watched it in a while. Still, I remember the series being consistently tasteful and educational.

Anyway. That's a bold idea. Do you have ideas on how to implement it? Not thinking purely (or even primarily) in terms of capitalization at the moment; thinking more about forum activity.
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pretty much,

Another book is Reality is broken.

Now I'm not saying we need avatars, though gaiaonline has done very well with that, there does need to be some kind of
repeat action that creates a re-motivation for visiting. I think even just having titles for the amount of posts might even help a little.

I will say this (might be blunt/harsh):
At the core is our priorities. If we did what we say we believe, we would all live a lot differently.

An in-active forum says: that post, that comment, that forum category,
does not have information worth the time being a priority in my life.

not saying we need to manipulate ourselves or CGA into lives. However it does show that we need to step up and add
even more value into people's lives.

If adding a gamified aspect of improving lives, I think it could be a real positive thing for the community.

Tek, I know one of your greatest desires has been to write. If we make CGA more bloggy with that forum
add-on, it would basically be giving you and others a platform.

How do you feel about that o' fear-less, benevolent, generous, compassionate, magnanimous leader of ours?
Ah! I want to write more on this soon, but I have about 10 seconds to say, yes, I think the gamification thing sounds like a good idea, as does providing a separate forum for forum games.

I think you all are going to love XenForo for the social features! That's not as random as it may sound; there's at least a connection in my mind...