Thinking of leaving


New Member
Hey guys, I just wanted all your opinions on something. WoW is still a great game, but I'm really not having that much fun any more, especially considering the timesink that you have to put into the game to get anywhere. I've made a lot of friends while playing and I'd really hate to leave that, and my two level 60s behind. Then there's the question of what I'd DO with my time if/when I do leave...

I still would have to determine what to do with my stuff, maybe give away the account and give away all my gold.
No you should not leave...I think what has happened here is that you got too much of WoW :). Take a break from it and come back after awhile, say a week or so and you'll see that you will enjoy it more. The less you play the more you'll enjoy it.

btw you can always cancel and reactivate account...don't giveaway/sell your account/goods.

I think one of the things that makes it difficult for some people is that once they reach the end game, its just not as much fun anymore. I know how difficult it might be, but I would suggest start over with a new character. And take it slow. Do one quest at a time, or get some fishing up. If you've never been hoarde, get a hoarde character on our hoarde server.

My 28 druid just wasn't as much fun because he couldn't handle himself well in combat. So now I'm working on my priest who's currently 22 and I'm enjoying myself.

Plus, there's a new battleground and RvR has new rewards as well for your higher levels. And have you fully explored all the lower level dungeons yet just to see what's at the end?

But most of all, if you leave, you'll miss our fellowship. In the past, I left countless times for new games: Earth and Beyond, Planetside, Star Wars Galaxies, etc. But each time, I always came back to this fellowship because it felt so empty without them.

So follow your heart and we will support you. But there's a lot more here for you I'm sure.
Having just come back from a three week plus break, I think I can speak here.

I was not having too much fun thinking about the grind again. But, after the break, the game had a new feel. I have completely forgotten how to play my priest. But, with the help of Odale, I got back on and put it together. A short break will really help you sort things out. If after a week or two period you do not want to come back cancel.

I would say keep an eye out for more 60+ content. Blizzard was never ready for the speed or number of level 60's they would have. They are completely behind and trying to play catch up. If this game is like other MMOG I have played, in a few months it will be a completely different game. So, if you do cancel keep watching.
Icthus said:
I have completely forgotten how to play my priest. But, with the help of Odale, I got back on and put it together.

It was like watching a train wreck... over and over and over and over and...

He will get me back with some witty come back later, y'all will see.
Thanks for the replies. As much as I would like to continue, it really is impossible to accomplish anything at level 60 unless you spend six hours a day playing. Honestly, that's much too great of a timesink for me. Going through new content is fun and all, but after a while it simply becomes farming content and more of a job as you try getting some new uber items. I've already let WoW take over too much of my life so it's best to just quit now.

I probably won't be giving away the account or selling my items, but I'll give away my gold and split it between you guys and MeS.