those "tween" raids (ssc/tk/za)


New Member
I feel like as a guild we've been running MH more often recently,and I was wondering if there was any reason for doing that instead of places like SSC/TK/(and to a lesser extent) ZA. is it just because as a guild we have completely downed and moved past those other ones? Is there a chance to set up some scheduled runs, if for nothing else than to be able to experience those raids? I don't know if there are other mains like me who have recently begun raiding and haven't run those, or if I'm in the minority here. If I am, feel free to let me know...I'm all for guild progression, but maybe there are others in this noob raid position. Any thoughts?
I don't know the answer but I do want to mention that the first boss in MH drops sick loot as do all the trash that comes in waves. Since the loot there is cream of the crop, doesn't it make sense to farm that place till every raider has what they need before you go back to stuff that requires serious focus and learning? I dunno, perhaps not, I am just thinking out loud here.

I have not been to any of the other places you mentioned and look forward to it, but gearing up for those fights is important and MH seems to really load up with the epics (at least the one time I got to go it did.)

I was bummed not to attend last Friday's raid but I was in my sister's wedding, I hope MH treated you all well with purples.
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I don't know the answer but I do want to mention that the first boss in MH drops sick loot as do all the trash that comes in waves. Since the loot there is cream of the crop, doesn't it make sense to farm that place till every raider has what they need before you go back to stuff that requires serious focus and learning? I dunno, perhaps not, I am just thinking out loud here.

I have not been to any of the other places you mentioned and look forward to it, but gearing up for those fights is important and MH seems to really load up with the epics (at least the one time I got to go it did.)

yeah, I don't know much about raiding, and so i may be a bad person to even bring up this topic, but I see that ssc/tk are req's for attuement for MH (or used to be). I guess I just didn't understand how we would keep trying to run it, and not pass the second boss. But that being said, I also understand that we just tried a bunch of times to down mag to no perhaps all is good.

I trust the RL as they are smarted than me when it comes to raiding. I look forward to thoughts as it will be a good educational factor to get the handle of raiding what, when, etc.
As a guild we've only downed one boss in TK and one in SSC so we are nowhere near "done" with the instance. I think the raid leaders just looked at time vs loot reward and decided that since MH loot is far better and we should be able to down a few bosses at our current gear level that we should spend our time there now that it's open to anyone. Badge gear helps bridge the gap and gives us this option. I would also like to see all of SSC and TK but at this point it would basically take as much work as MH bosses to learn and the loot is inferior. For this reason many would choose to go to MH.
Nommad:I also understand that we just tried a bunch of times to down mag to no perhaps all is good.

we have downed him many times, last night was a tank specific problem, we were missing our main tank and I was having too many tech issues with my system to be effective.
As a guild we've only downed one boss in TK and one in SSC so we are nowhere near "done" with the instance. I think the raid leaders just looked at time vs loot reward and decided that since MH loot is far better and we should be able to down a few bosses at our current gear level that we should spend our time there now that it's open to anyone. Badge gear helps bridge the gap and gives us this option. I would also like to see all of SSC and TK but at this point it would basically take as much work as MH bosses to learn and the loot is inferior. For this reason many would choose to go to MH.

the question is one of motivation for sure. Do we raid for loot or for fun? If the later then some of these "tween" instances are great.
the question is one of motivation for sure. Do we raid for loot or for fun? If the later then some of these "tween" instances are great.

Everyone raids for loot... anyone that doesn't want loot is either lieing or has everything he needs.

The key is not making loot you soul focus and let it come... but everyone wants loot.
Everyone raids for loot... anyone that doesn't want loot is either lieing or has everything he needs.

The key is not making loot you soul focus and let it come... but everyone wants loot.

Agree that everyone wants loot, but thats not why I raid, its a nice feature, but the best thing about raiding for me (and loot is a tool to do this) is going to bosses I've never done before and wailing on them until they die, working together as a team, learning a fight, and wiping 50 times until we get a boss down (who may or may not have loot to offer).
It would be nice to keep working on ZA and see if can get it on "farm" like we have Kara. 'Course we still need to complete ZA if I remember correctly. The other thing is that the same people who lead Kara also tend to lead ZA.

Maybe new leaders could be developed for Kara and current Kara leaders could move on to leading ZA runs. Just throwing out what I'm sure the Raid Leaders are already discussing.
When given the choice:

1. Work hard in ZA because its not a farmed raid OR
2. Easy 20 badges in Kara.

I know what nearly everybody will pick. Badge gear > ZA gear (in most peoples minds) so Kara, with the easy badges will nearly always win.

If we could get 10 of our best geared, most experienced, most dedicated to progression raiding (and all that it entails) to spend 4 days a week for 3 or 4 weeks in ZA, it is entirely conceivable that ZA will become farmed. But in doing so, you pull all those resources from Kara making badge gear a little more elusive. Which when taken to its logical conclusion, is not necessarily a bad thing.
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ZA (once farmed) is a great source of badges. And... I have heard that it doesn't take as long as Kara.
Thats the shining light. Too bad for many its not enough to keep them going after wiping 21 times on the same boss over 3 weeks.

The biggest challenge is to find 10 people with the gear and skill and situational awareness to get the last two bosses down.

People still moving during flamewreath in Kara or not clicking their assigned box in Magtheridon or running through beams on Netherspite or not moving out of cave in on Gruul or people actually requiring a raid leader to call out when a boss is healing to have it interuppted are all good indications of situational unawareness.

Its not just new to raiding people either. I've been to many a kara where Goblit or Angry will yell very loudly for people to stop moving during flamewreath to people who are raiders.
Thats the shining light. Too bad for many its not enough to keep them going after wiping 21 times on the same boss over 3 weeks.

The biggest challenge is to find 10 people with the gear and skill and situational awareness to get the last two bosses down.

People still moving during flamewreath in Kara or not clicking their assigned box in Magtheridon or running through beams on Netherspite or not moving out of cave in on Gruul or people actually requiring a raid leader to call out when a boss is healing to have it interuppted are all good indications of situational unawareness.

Its not just new to raiding people either. I've been to many a kara where Goblit or Angry will yell very loudly for people to stop moving during flamewreath to people who are raiders.

Very well said Aves. This is probaly the single biggest thing that Raid Leaders and even officer have to deal with the most. As head raid leader I try to choose bosses that need the least amount of tactics from the entire raid. Because not everyone in the guild that wants to raid is truely raid matirial.

Nothing against these people, cause their zeal is awesome and I love having gung ho people around, just is very hard to go after bosses like the first boss in BT where everyone needs to be aware of everyone else. Where the bosses timers are and if the person next to them is dieing.

On Mag no one should be calling out his cast the clickers should know it.

On Shade people should know what he is casting.

On neatherspite the portals are always in the same spot and they aways send a beam to the boss... never changes... only the colors do.

This is the basic stuff that all would be raiders need to be able to handle to progress and what keeps us from end game raiding.
not to open a big can of worms but having more communication from raid leaders to the general population wouldn't hurt either. Telling everyone to go read every different strat and watch every movie is fine but knowing what our raid leaders plan to do for a strat helps even more and knowing where we are headed as a guild. Basically saying that the raid leaders think all the guild can handle is trash mobs in MH instead of learning hard boss fights seems to set us up for failure. Not that my 2 cents matter anymore since I cant be there to help:(