Thursday Bomb

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New Member
well this Thursday bombed but maybe that was my fault i was a half hour late Im sorry for that but i think we could use a good BRD run with these 5 members

Yellowjacket-tank practice
Anifinity- XP
Vallados-dps and to lead it

I would like to do this sometime saterday afternoon however Thomas told me he and ani were going to work this weekend this is sort of short notice I know But i really want to take down the emperor would if u guys cant make it don't worry about it we can plan it for some other time Mal i would like you to be there to replace some1 if they can not show or maybe lead another dungen at that time
Sorry I wasn't there I got very sick and went to bed earily. Can't make it Sat. afternoon but can Sunday afternoon, I'll be at work, so have to be kind of flexible.
yeah we may need to change I also have to work Saturday now how about the rest of you whats the best time ?
As long as I'm on and not on the first run truck, when I'm at work, I cool with just about any day except Saturday and some Fridays. With my work schedule those days I would like to spend some family time. But other than that is't ok.
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