'tis a sad day in Tyria


But unfortunately due to various time constraints and other issues involving Real Life and an overall general lack of time, I am stepping down as an officer of SoE.

Thanks for all the fish :D
noooo, we lost a cuddly officer!

hopefully things will work out in RL and you will have a plephoria of time to get everything accomplished.

i'm about to have a second son in a few weeks.....i'll lack time for the next decade or so...
Your contributions as an officer and leader over such a long time are greatly appreciated Kidan. From what I understand you are also one of the great founding members of ToJ/CGA, and I'm sure you deserve a good deal of the credit for the survival and success of those organizations. Now that you've entered a new season of your life I am glad you have devoted yourself to your family and your responsibilities as its head. May God continue to bless you and guide your path, and I hope he leads you back our way when the time is right.

We'll miss you. Thanks for all your hard work with ToJ and GW over the years.

You WILL be posting a baby pic when your son is born, RIGHT?
DorkElf - I'm not a founding member of ToJ, just very, very active within it...

everyone else do note that I'm not leaving ToJ or the Guild..i'm just stepping down from a position of leadership within SoE....

i'll still be the lovable forums moderator for all of the ToJ forums and CGA General....

and yes, pics of the newone will be up when he arrives....which is still ~2 months away...
meh, close enough to yiddish, just mispronounce a few things, and throw in a hebrew word every now and then, and you've got yiddish.