UI Thread Renewed Again


Gnome Priest
So I'm bored..servers are down so I decided to post some Screenies of my UI for your viewing pleasure..For everyone who knows me they know I'm a UI junkie...for those who don't, Welcome to a UI junkies world. Here are just a few screenies with various options open.




Actually it's a slightly modded version of Tukui, which is an all inclusive package of .lua scripts, you can check it out at www.tukui.org

I used to use a modded version of CathUI but it was a huge memory hog. Tukui of itself only uses about 700 kb of memory, which includes all you really need for raiding except something like DBM, it has a built in threat meter which show in the bottom left info bar as green --> yellow--->red threat, when the bar is red u are dead.
If you plan on using the standard Combat Text from the game, it will keep memory low, I prefer Miks b/c I can set it up like I want. The cast bars take a little getting used to but I'm totally acclimated to them now. Also if you decide to actually use Tukui be sure to read the FaQ guide in the forums.

I tried that UI, but I need allot of bars... atleast 4... more so for my lock... and I couldn't find a way to add more.
There are several options you can change in the config.lua that add 2 extra bars at the bottom for a total of 4, plus enabling the ones on the side. This UI isn't for the faint of heart, it takes a little effort to make it like you want. For ex..the 2 bars at the bottom only show 10 buttons each, I wanted the full 12 shown on each bar, which took a few adjustments in one of the .lua files.

Tukui can appear a little daunting at first but if you read the FAQ on the website and open up the config.lua which is where all the UI settings are..most of which can be easily adjusted by changing things to true/false, changing numbers to 1, 2, 3 etc..

For ex...here are the actionbar settings mine to be exact in the config.lua file..
TukuiDB["actionbar"] = {
    ["enable"] = true, -- enable tukz action bars
    ["hotkey"] = true, -- enable hotkey display because it was a lot requested
    ["rightbarmouseover"] = true, -- enable right bars on mouse over
    ["shapeshiftmouseover"] = false, -- enable shapeshift or totembar on mouseover
    ["hideshapeshift"] = false, -- hide shapeshift or totembar because it was a lot requested.
    ["bottomrows"] = 1, -- numbers of row you want to show at the bottom (select between 1 and 2 only)
    ["rightbars"] = 3, -- numbers of right bar you want

by changing botomrows = 1 to 2 you get 4 bars at the bottom
rightbars = 3 gives you 3 bars on the side