
Thanks Reets for joining us last night... Part 1 of the instance was a success. Baraach said he could join Wednesday or Thursday, he'll let me know tomorrow which one is good. I'm available for both, or any other day onward, so let me know which day is best for your priest/warlock combo
Anyone who wants to join for the 2nd part of Princess, Baraach will be on Wednesday at 5:30pm. If this works for you, Stacy and Ken, let me know. If not, us two will try something else together...
It's looking more and more like we won't be able to pull this off tonight, Neil. If you and Baraach are able to get an extra person or two tonight, please feel free to go ahead and finish without us. We're in that "uh-oh we're leaving in two days and there's so much to DOOOOOOOO!!!!" panic-mode right now. :)
That's ok... I would rather join you :) Dave and I will visit Eastern Plaugelands (a place he hasn't been before) and quest together instead, or join another instance. Have a fun trip and get in touch when you return...
Stacy and husband, I hope you had an enjoyable vacation (I realize I haven't found out the quiet half's name, Stacy!!!). I missed our times together, but completed Princess, ZF and Sunken Temple. I'll try them again gladly with you, though... Outlands is boring right now! Pick a place/date/time and I'll join.

Hey Neil! The quiet half's name is Mike, one of the many Mike's in the guild. ;) We had a great time, it was a ton of fun and very relaxing. We're actually going back out of town again tonight (heading to Pennsylvania to see Blue Man Group), but we should be back this weekend. I'm not worried about running Princess, I've already done ZF, and I'm not a fan of ST, so I'm going to work on getting Jaeda thru quests as fast as possible so that she can get into Outlands or at the very least, start running BRD. :)
Blue Man Group is good. I saw them in Vegas years ago before they started a touring group. Worth a see in my mind.
I would miss WoW for the Blue Man Group as well... I don't blame you!!! I would like to see Dire Maul as well, but I'm ready for BRD when you are. See my other posting about Onyxia... we'll have help if we want to tackle her. I can't wait to play Ramparts with you either.

Stomp is another great touring group. They're not blue, but they do have amazing percussion "songs"

BRD?! Eep. I'm ready for ZF, about 1/2 ready for ST... no way I'll be ready for BRD anytime soon.
And I do too on my 60 hunter... so obviously ZF is covered, Randy if you want to visit there again. Stacy, with BRD Tuesday night, let's not plan for anything with Jaeda this week (unless you want to level her that quickly :)
I'm done with ZF finally, and I *think* I'm done with ST, which means if all goes well, I should be ready for BRD in a few days. We'll see. I'm nearly done with Chapter 2 of the leveling guide. As I approach 60 with my 6th toon, I have no qualms about missing the "fun" of questing.