

As most of you know i have had a need for $189.86 to buy the remaining parts for my PC i'm building so i can play GW2

At 4am i woke up just in awe of how GOD cares and provides for me
and i decided to stop worrying and give it to GOD.
(after all i know what happens when i try to handle things on my own lol)

as i laid my head back on my pillow
my Ipod Touch chimed with an email notification.

the extra guitar and amp i put on Craigslist less than 24 hours ago
has sold bringing in $120 making it so i will now be able to
order my motherboard and 3.2GHz CPU

Had this not happened i would not have been able to order any parts
this month due to Back to school stuff for my teenage son.

that leaves $69.86 left (8GB RAM and 4 Case cooling fans)

I think however small,
that i needed that small reminder
that even when things seem so far away GOD is always close.

enough rambling
just wanted to share this
(plus its around 4am and only the cat is awake so i have to be very quiet lol)
Ordering these later today;
CPU (3.2GHz triple core)
and after the video card arrives i can build it

not sure if i can install anything
my DVD drive has an IDE plug and a 4-pin molex
the motherboard is meant for a SATA type drive
so i might need an adapter or new drive
not sure..i just noticed that after checking all my other
connections to make sure they will fit

however some software might be able to stream from the web
but if anything requires a CD i'm out of luck

good thing my OS has a Key and boots from a USB pen drive lol

i also have a 16GB flash drive so maybe i can download stuff with that from laptop and install it on my build tower lol
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Waynos, very proud of you! Your determination should an inspiration to us all! Looking fwd to playing with you! Have a Blessed day!
Thank you and you have a blessed day also

i have all my parts in the mail so within 10 days i can
build and get my system up and going

see you and all of LOE soon!!!!!
I got a cable that runs the HDD and DVD both so no need for an adapter.
it's called an "IDE cable with a slave socket"View attachment 1642

i tested it on my old motherboard and it runs both through the same port

i am excited for my parts to come in and get it up and sailing..
i went with 1 4GB stick for now so i can run my game..will get another 4GB later
but ill have to buy some 80mm fans eventually..
the cpu and video card have cooling fans and heatsyncs so it should be safe to run...
if not i'll open the case and aim my house fan into the tower hahaha
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Thank you all..
as soon as everything arrives i'll be building my fist PC lol
it might take me a day to get it all setup and download GW2...
but when i do i'll jump on TS3 and be looking for an LOE invite lol
Your motherboard has 0 IDE connectors? Usually motherboards have at least one or two, even these days. But if you really don't, they have these really cheap adapters (you can probably get some for like $2-5 on eBay or Amazon, like here) that can plug into an IDE port and give you a SATA plug. The 4-pin Molex for power shouldn't be an issue since all power supplies have some of those, for case fans at the very least.
Your motherboard has 0 IDE connectors? Usually motherboards have at least one or two, even these days. But if you really don't, they have these really cheap adapters (you can probably get some for like $2-5 on eBay or Amazon, like here) that can plug into an IDE port and give you a SATA plug. The 4-pin Molex for power shouldn't be an issue since all power supplies have some of those, for case fans at the very least.

New Motherboard
View attachment 1646

View attachment 1647

1 Stick of 4GB RAM just to get me running (add more later)
View attachment 1648