URGENT: Mom in intensive care at hospital


Active Member
My grandma had to call the Paramedics at 12:30 last night and My Mom is having problems with her Heart.

She is in Intensive Care unit and will be in the hospital for a few days.

Prayers are Needed NOW!!!
Hey everyone, we've heard from Talon...
Talon said:
Ok, got some more news. Her thyriod glan is enlarged, so they are working on that. She will be in ICU for a few days for monitoring. While it can be a serious thing, most likely it will be fine. She was never in any danger of passing away, just a wierd thing to happen.

Thank you God it wasn't her heart. God please take care of Mamma Talon!!!
She just called now. She is out of ICU and in a normal room. Her heart rate and blood pressure are back to normal.

they did CT and MRI scans and everything came out good.

She will be in the hospital for a few more days under observation.
She called again. She is just waiting for MRI results then should be able to come home tomorrow.

A relief of course.

Prayers were obviously answered, THX
She is home now. She has "graves disease", which has burned out her thyriod gland.. so she has to take medication everyday to keep up the supply of the chemical the thyoid produces. Otherwise everything is very good, she is in perfect health, even better than for her age.

She is going into another doc next week, to see what medicine she will be taking, otherwise, she is back to normal.
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