Vilepickle map night?


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
Hey, here's a random idea: How about a TF2sday or an off-night game night where we play Vilepickle's custom maps?

Most of you have played at least one of his maps (Mach) and many of you have played more than one (Castle, Impact, Chaos, Stag, Canalzone).

I haven't played all the maps listed at the link above, but I'd love to try them with a group of ToJ members and TF2 server regulars.
I've been wanting to run a few of those maps again. Chaos, Stag, Follower, Indulge and Impact were all decent (and we did play them on Toj).

Mercy, Castle, arena_mach and duel are the maps I've not put on our server yet. Not running arena or duel, which is a single room, but we could try out Mercy (uh not sure from the pic if we tested this or not) and Castle. Castle got a good amount of play on CC's custom server back in the day. Not sure about Canalzone either. I didn't dislike it but it was the Desperado joke back in the day...

I'll make a new post so people will know we are running some of the maps Tuesday and can pre-download them.
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