Vuhdo Add on


Christian Gamers Alliance Staff Manager
This is probably one of the best add-ons I have used. I know its subjective but I love this thing. Here is a quick run down of it:

Vuhdo Add-on

"What is VuhDo? – VuhDo is a raid monitor similar to CTRaidAssist or Blizzards built-in raid frames. Basically this is about displaying the health of raid members in form of clearly arranged bars. VuhDo is primarily directed to healing classes, but will make use to almost any other class. Moreover several healing spells or other actions can be asserted to mouse clicks on those bars (Click-Heal)."


I just noticed on the Curse site that it looks like Vuhdo can organize raidframes by role rather than group...I might want to try that out...
I may switch healing mods if both Jason and Nathan are using this...probably not this week as I may not have time to set it up before Friday Night. I'll have to check another addon I downloaded that helps communicate healing information to other users that can then be displayed in certain addons. I know healbot had/has this feature, I think VuhDu has this too? Very useful for endurance fights so that you can see incoming heals. Less so for spam as many big fast heals as you can fights...
I know vuhdo does communicate to a point. I have not payed attention to incoming heals but if I recall I can see when someone else is rezing someone just off the add on unit frame.
Not at home or I would check but I’m pretty sure it has incoming heals on it.

One of the simplest but best features I like on it is the ability to bind spells/actions not just to your mouse button but to the scroll wheel up and down.

For example on my shaman if I scroll the scroll wheel away from me I cleanse the target, if I scroll it towards me i use riptide (Insta heal), that way the right and left buttons are open for my other heals.
same, scrolling up applies sacred shield while scrolling down applies Beacon of Light.
I have tried Vuhdo before but didn't like it so I went back to my old setup. I don't run alot of UI modification addons since it seems that every time there is an update they get messed up and I spend too much time trying to fix them. I know alot of people love Vuhdo and how customizable it is and everything it can do but it is too much for me. I like my simple and effective setup, so you probably won't see me running this addon in the future.