The requirement of having a R rating (or something other then G) is based solely on the message the producers of the movie are trying to protray. I agree some producers add gratuitous sex and violence simply to sell a movie. Those type of movies (with the gratiuitous sex and violence) are not of the same genre are they? And if they aren't, should they even be considered in how you review movies such as Schindlers List?
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Now I will quote you but only to give my opinion on movies today :). I do think there are a few decent movies being made but it nothing like the movies of the 1930s-1950s its not even like the movies of the 1980's Example: Compare the first 3 Star Wars movies to modern Star Wars movies... wait there is no comparison blech.. and I am not looking forward to the latest Indiana Jones either. Look at the movies that get nominated by the Oscars double blech! Personally I find most modern movies out as having CGI without plot, cash in sequel fever, trite anit-heroes, shockfeasts just to shock you, language/scenes added just to get a higher rating and a greater leaning towards immoral points of view. There are decent movies out there but it's all going downhill over all.

No, it's not. I find most old movies to be rather cheesy, really, especially comedies. Some were pulled off well, like "Harvey" (which I recently picked up on VHS (what? what's VHS? Is it like an 8 track? :p ) for 25 cents, btw... :) ), but they just weren't... I don't know.. great. To me.

A lot of them I like. But I'm just saying that they didn't necessarily "make 'em better in the good ol' days, yessiree..."
No, it's not. I find most old movies to be rather cheesy, really, especially comedies. Some were pulled off well, like "Harvey" (which I recently picked up on VHS (what? what's VHS? Is it like an 8 track? :p ) for 25 cents, btw... :) ), but they just weren't... I don't know.. great. To me.

A lot of them I like. But I'm just saying that they didn't necessarily "make 'em better in the good ol' days, yessiree..."

I'll bite. Soooooo what is a good modern comedy that isn't cheesy? ...and please don't say something like "Dumb and Dumber" or something that uses bathroom or immoral sex humor.

I definitely agree all times have had their share of bad movies but the studio era of movies gave the best % of classics for me. I generally think the movies were better because of the movie code they implemented, that actors were selected a tiny bit more for their character than "prettiness" and the fact that many actors and plots came from a stage experience background (not to mention the problems they didn't have like overused CGI). I liked Harvey alright but it's been a while since I've seen it and there are better old movies. Off the top of my head I like the (early) Road movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby and Cary Grant's comedies. Most of the war time movies were supposed to be optimistic if that's what you mean by cheesy. I like feeling good after watching a movie and not having to think about all the things I disagree morally with it. If a movie makes me think great, but I don't want to violently disagree and wish I'd never watched it. I re-watched the excellent "Arsenic and Old Lace" recently and it appears to be the basis of many jokes used in Looney Tunes cartoons.

For modern usage of old material the Engineers Team Fortress 2 dance/celebrate taunt is a homage that dates back to "The Treasure of Sirrea Madra" ("badges we don't need no stinking badges!" :p). Like Jackie Chan stunts? Jackie is a Buster Keaton fan and has copied stunts Keaton did some 60~80 years prior (you know when medical care wasn't what it is now o_O). Some modern movies are just worse remakes of old ones anyway "You've Got Mail" is "The Shop Around the Corner" which has been remade multiple times. Want some serious old films? Try "12 Angry Men" or "A Man for all Seasons".

Sooooo many good films are overlooked by people today just because they are old... makes Gerbil sad T_T. Take actors like Charles Laughton (his performance in the "Hunchback of Notre Dame" is great), Hitchcock films (students today actually study him to learn to make films!), Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Jimmy Stewart, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Sidney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre, Gary Cooper, James Cagney, Edward G. Robertson, Sir Alec Guinness who do we have today to compare them to? Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Keno Reeves, Nicholas Cage... ok I think I'll just stop here after all those actors haven't made any cheesy movies at all :p <sarcasm>

...oh wait Wall-e thread... um I'll be sure to see it. See on topic! Yay!
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I'll bite. Soooooo what is a good modern comedy that isn't cheesy? ...and please don't say something like "Dumb and Dumber" or something that uses bathroom or immoral sex humor.


>_> <_<


Good comedies? Well, to be perfectly honest, in the past 10 years I was either too young to get them (6 years old, 10 years ago) and by now I just haven't seen that many. Tell you what though, I'll watch a bunch and then get back to you :p

What were your thoughts on "Without a Paddle", by the way?

Also, if we're going to rule out sex comedy and toilet comedy (the two greatest kinds :rolleyes: ), we're also going to rule out romantic comedies.
What were your thoughts on "Without a Paddle", by the way?

I've not seen it... looking up review... http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/movies/a0001867.cfm
...I think I'll pass...urp

Also, if we're going to rule out sex comedy and toilet comedy (the two greatest kinds :rolleyes: ), we're also going to rule out romantic comedies.

The funny thing is many old films actually had behind them sexual situations however the comedy came from avoiding improper ones and it was never explicit. It's the polar opposite in many films today where that behavior is pursued if not the goal of protagonists. That's why I said "immoral sex humor" because a romantic comedy may have sexual tension but the context of it is not always "immoral" if one is endeavoring to avoid it.

Also it's not just the fact that as a Christian I believe I should not be watching films that glorify sin but it's also the fact that the same content is often base and vulgar. I'll rephrase that. It's very easy to write a film that goes to the lowest level of humor the "pull my finger" jokes are easy, shocking people is easy, it only requires one be willing to go farther and be more explicit than other people. Of course then you get into the one upmanship problem that pervades media. Instead of writing good character development and inventive plot lines we get shellacked coats of CGI and more and more movies that "break taboos". What happens when there are no taboos left to break... probably Christ comes back.

I would really like to encourage people to watch an "old" movie once in a while. Don't let a past few bad experiences throw you. Unless you have cable (and I'd imagine even then) most of the time people are only exposed to the same films over and over. The fact is there were bad old movies but the percent of movies commonly shown leaves out so many good ones. I mean everybody and their brother has seen "It's a Wonderful Life" but that was only one of many VERY successful Frank Capra films. A while back I saw "Lifeboat" directed by Alfred Hitchcock and expected it to be marginal as it is not as well known as other Hitchcock films. It was quite good. I also thought it would be fairly atypical for "evil nazi" films of it's time but man that Nazi was eeeeeeeevil.

...WALL-E <runs away quickly> :p
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I must disaggree with "it aint what it use to be".

When one looks at the past they see the good things about that era. When we look at our current day in age, we see the good, the bad, and the mediocre.

If you are comparing our cheesey actors to the stars of our past, of course the past will look better.

how about taking the time to look at our great actors and comparing them to our past actors.
In all honesty, though, it is hard to compare how a good actor to another good actor (if you understand). Each actor has there own different style of acting and their own different style of film.

that is just my mini rant when people talk that "now in days" things are just awful *the bad spelling is intentional*
/slightly off topic, but with all the comedy talk :p

Father Goose was a pretty hilarious movie with Cary Grant, and there was no toilet humor or sexual humor that I recall. It's old though, so :p
I must disaggree with "it aint what it use to be".

When one looks at the past they see the good things about that era. When we look at our current day in age, we see the good, the bad, and the mediocre.

If you are comparing our cheesey actors to the stars of our past, of course the past will look better.

how about taking the time to look at our great actors and comparing them to our past actors.
In all honesty, though, it is hard to compare how a good actor to another good actor (if you understand). Each actor has there own different style of acting and their own different style of film.

that is just my mini rant when people talk that "now in days" things are just awful *the bad spelling is intentional*

Also, I'd like to point out that there were PLENTY of crappy movies "way back when"
I tried to stop being off topic but you've all pulled me back in :p

Also, I'd like to point out that there were PLENTY of crappy movies "way back when"

I know. I already said multiple times there were bad ones it's just the percentage of good to bad was better.

If you are comparing our cheesey actors to the stars of our past, of course the past will look better.

how about taking the time to look at our great actors and comparing them to our past actors.

I tried to be fair and think of modern actors I considered "great" when I posted but could not think of one. Most of the modern ones I consider good had their heyday in the 80's which goes to my point about movies being better even then, Terminator 2 Good!, Terminator 3 Bad!, Indiana Jones 1 Good, Indiana Jones 4 (I have yet to see it but what does Harrison do gum the Nazi's to death :p). There are certainly a few modern movies I do like, the Pixar ones, the Spider-Man movies are decent, Batman Begins is much better than the last few Batman movies too. The Lord of the Rings Movies could be considered akin to the original Star Wars trilogy someday but I think Star Wars was better. As for a serious modern movie "Luther" was good but I liked it because of the history from which it was derived, its actors were merely passable (with the possible exception of Albert Finney who is once again an old actor). Also movies still don't make any more sense than the old ones (this just having been reaffirmed by watching Vantage Point). I have thought perhaps the passage of time had relegated many bad movies to obscurity thus making the amount of good movies only seem greater because only they survived, however, I keep finding good old movies and bad modern ones. To some degree it is certainly taste but at the very least...

A. The movie code used to remove more of the immoral content than it does today.
B. Plot ideas were not as retreaded as they are today becuase old movies did those ideas first (and most of the time better).

I will say special effects and fight chorography have improved but with shallower plots and character development why care if protagonists are victorious? Media today is largely glitter, window dressing and shock material. It is worth noting that many of the actors of yesterday were themselves not any more moral than the ones of today.
I tried to stop being off topic but you've all pulled me back in :p

I know. I already said multiple times there were bad ones it's just the percentage of good to bad was better.

I tried to be fair and think of modern actors I considered "great" when I posted but could not think of one. Most of the modern ones I consider good had their heyday in the 80's which goes to my point about movies being better even then, Terminator 2 Good!, Terminator 3 Bad!, Indiana Jones 1 Good, Indiana Jones 4 (I have yet to see it but what does Harrison do gum the Nazi's to death :p). There are certainly a few modern movies I do like, the Pixar ones, the Spider-Man movies are decent, Batman Begins is much better than the last few Batman movies too. The Lord of the Rings Movies could be considered akin to the original Star Wars trilogy someday but I think Star Wars was better. As for a serious modern movie "Luther" was good but I liked it because of the history from which it was derived, its actors were merely passable (with the possible exception of Albert Finney who is once again an old actor). Also movies still don't make any more sense than the old ones (this just having been reaffirmed by watching Vantage Point). I have thought perhaps the passage of time had relegated many bad movies to obscurity thus making the amount of good movies only seem greater because only they survived, however, I keep finding good old movies and bad modern ones. To some degree it is certainly taste but at the very least...

A. The movie code used to remove more of the immoral content than it does today.
B. Plot ideas were not as retreaded as they are today becuase old movies did those ideas first (and most of the time better).

I will say special effects and fight chorography have improved but with shallower plots and character development why care if protagonists are victorious? Media today is largely glitter, window dressing and shock material. It is worth noting that many of the actors of yesterday were themselves not any more moral than the ones of today.

No... no great actors? What? I think you're just being difficult. Heath Ledger... well, he's dead, but he was a great actor (yes yes I know he had a gay part in "Brokeback Mountain" but we all got over it). I don

EDIT: yes yes my internet went out so this part went in unfinished. Who knows what you guys thought I said, lol


I know. I already said multiple times there were bad ones it's just the percentage of good to bad was better.

There were more B movies back then >.>
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Using the EXTREMELY questionable IMDb list http://www.imdb.com/chart/top (only as a reference) I find few if any of the modern movies comparable to the old ones listed (old being prior to 1990 thus the 80's). Please note it seems many of the modern ones rely on shocking you so I've only seen a few. Also note I disagree with a good amount of the movies listed regardless of age while some I'd recommend highly (some are just stupid to be on that list and I can give you logical reasons why too).

No... no great actors? What? I think you're just being difficult. Heath Ledger... well, he's dead, but he was a great actor (yes yes I know he had a gay part in "Brokeback Mountain" but we all got over it). I don

Heath Ledger was supposed to have turned in a good performance in the Dark Night but even if he did (which I will have to wait till it comes on DVD to see) one performance does not a great actor make http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0005132/ lists his movies (and no I don't think he was memorable in "The Patriot"). The actors I listed had many (not all) good performances (example http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000007/ no comparison to Ledger). We could attribute Heath Ledgers lack of great performances to his short life though so you may want to give a different modern actor as an example. Really I think you are buying into the recent "his end was tragic" popularity that is circulating his name around.


There were more B movies back then >.>

Yes all ages have their fads of popularity and I agree there were more movies I'd give the label of "B" in a past time. However we certainly aren't in a want for B movies we should just call them C movies, as in CGI having been added. Ever seen "Dragon Wars" or "The Faculty" so very B + CGI... (after viewing "The Faculty" every time I see a bic pen I want to say "guaranteed to jack you up!" and laugh myself silly :p). Please understand I wouldn't call the majority of movies of today B I'd just call them bad but then you only hear about the small percentage of movies with the most hype. This site http://www.movieweb.com/movies/releases/year.php?2008 lists 921 titles that release this year alone most of which sound pretty stupid, bad and/or immoral (looking at site, what's this?..., o_O, o_O, why, why WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY http://www.movieweb.com/movies/film/26/4826/summary.php. curls in little gerbil ball in corner of room :p).

I am certainly not being difficult :p although I understand why you would think so :). You see I've posted this discussion numerous times, long thought upon it and feel a bit passionate about it as I feel it's my duty to inform people of what they are missing. So many great movies are overshadowed by the excessive marketing tripe put out for new ones. New is not always better any more than old is, yet I find people reluctant to watch a black and white movie simply because to them old = boring. What we put before our eyes changes us and none of us has the perfect character of Christ to resist it. With most of the populace only or disproportionately viewing modern media I dread what they are changing into, thus my drive to inform is kindled.

PS: Please don't feel like I am attacking you or that you must continue the discussion if you don't wish. It doesn't take much to start a discussion with the Gerbil and I site references/examples in most discussions only so that they may have a logical basis not simply be an "I say, you say thing". The Gerbil remains friendly regardless :).
Really I think you are buying into the recent "his end was tragic" popularity that is circulating his name around.

Um, no. Not... not at all. I just like his acting. A lot. His role as the Joker shows that he was diverse, and I wish he could've lived longer to live up to his potential.

Anyway, more to come now that my internet is back (that was kind of embarassing, my incomplete post... XD )
Oh, and venturing to the off-topic topic...

I consider myself and my friends "film snobs" to a certain extent.. and i would say that movies in general have declined over the last 20 years.. Now for decent movies, we have to venture to the independant, arthouse, foreign language, world cinema, anime.. as all hollywood produces nowdays is trimmed for the masses to get the most cash..

Case in point, Die Hard 4.. now i love those movies, even if just on a brainless entertainment value. yet they removed all the action and the characters catch phrase so they could make the movie a 12 rating (pg-13?) and sell to more teens... Whats the point if they have to cut out the things that make the character what he is? Its like dirty harry never saying "do you feel lucky" ... makes me angry.

Oh well, i can make myself feel better knowing that i am going to watch the Orphanage tonight.. Pan's Labyrinth was a true stroke of genius and i cant wait to see what Guillermo does with this.

EDIT: oh and everyone's entitled to their own opinions about films, whatever genre, time period or rating.. as long as you enjoy the film and arent offended by it. (as i am expecting heat for liking horror/suspense/thriller films)
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