Warlock Builds?


New Member
I tried searching through wowvault but could only come up with builds that were "prepatch." I was wondering for those of you who have experienced locks, what have you enjoyed playing with? What would you stay away from in the talent tree?

Tanks in advance. :p

- Chris
When leveling I would just try out different talents that sound cool. After a while you will learn what fits your play style.

That having been said, there are 2 main builds and one "other" build. There is Shadow Mastery / Ruin build (Deedlyt's build, aflicto-destructo) and Master Demonologist / Ruin (demon-destructo). Some people also try a full destruction build (for Conflag) and then pick and choose talents from the affliction and demonology trees.

If you want more info on how I play and Deedlyt's build, check out the Class Discussion forum on the SGA site. I have a pretty detailed breakdown there.