Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:15-16

While I was making my notes on this verse for my Sunday school lesson, a few interesting little things popped out at me.

1) Luke specifically records first that the crowds came to hear Jesus, and to be healed. It is generally understood in Biblical literature that order is very important... so Luke was likely stressing that people weren't just following Jesus around to see miracles, they wanted to hear what He was teaching, too.

2) Jesus prayed. Quite a few times we see in the Gospels that Jesus made time to pray. It's hard enough to wrap my mind around the Trinity... but the idea of conversations between the Father and Son, and what they must have been like is truly mind-boggling.

3) 1 Thess 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing (or continually). That means when we're in the car, at work, in class, at dinner with our family, walking the dog... always be in a position to open yourself up to God.

And yet in this verse, Jesus withdrew from the noise and the distractions to spend time with the Father. This shows that while we're supposed to constantly be in a state of openness towards God, we also need to find time when the dogs aren't barking, the baby isn't crying, the washer isn't running, the TV is off, our brains aren't full of schedules and appointments... and spend some serious time in worship and prayer.
1) Luke specifically records first that the crowds came to hear Jesus, and to be healed. It is generally understood in Biblical literature that order is very important... so Luke was likely stressing that people weren't just following Jesus around to see miracles, they wanted to hear what He was teaching, too.
I find it intersting why Christ got such a large following from the proletariat masses, and yet the religious leaders paid little attention to Him until they wanted to do away with Him. Also, think the healing acts would sway many, one man healed = everyone he knew would follow.

And yet in this verse, Jesus withdrew from the noise and the distractions to spend time with the Father. This shows that while we're supposed to constantly be in a state of openness towards God, we also need to find time when the dogs aren't barking, the baby isn't crying, the washer isn't running, the TV is off, our brains aren't full of schedules and appointments... and spend some serious time in worship and prayer.
The problem is during my "God" time, I find it difficult to keep focused, even though at the moment it just consists of evening prayers with my mom and reading the bible. Especially with so many things I want/need God to intervene on. Which doesn't always work that way.

Overall, great points, I agree there always has to be room for God in the picture.
3) 1 Thess 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing (or continually). That means when we're in the car, at work, in class, at dinner with our family, walking the dog... always be in a position to open yourself up to God.

It has become normal to pray for situations surrounding me, car wrecks, ambulances going by, the guy on the street corner I don't have the means to help. Sometimes out loud, sometimes silently, but it is all part of following Christ's example, and can be a tough habit to get into.
Talking to/with God all the time - inviting him into our day - good advice for any day. Thanks.