Welcome Lions of Judah to the Kingdom Alliance


Active Member
Yesterday a big milestone took place in WAR. We entered into our first in-game alliance. We formed an alliance called "The Kingdom" with another Christian guild, the "Lions of Judah" Their leader is Tanek/Esau.

Our officers had been in touch with LoJ since beta when they first heard of them via the beta forums. We met in vent and decided that we would roll on the same server when the game went live so we could enjoy the fellowship of an Alliance one day. Well, that day has come!

Please welcome our new additions to the family! You can chat in alliance mode with "/a " before your chat message.

If you are interested in getting to know the Lions even more, you are welcome to visit their forums/website at http://www.lojkinship.com/ They are a Christian community that spans multiple MMOs just as our does.

*Just one side note, they desire to keep their forums spam-free and on-topic, so please heed their wishes and don't let the Redeemed Spam flow to those boards. (even if spam=love in our case)*

So remember to consider inviting a Lion into your group when you have space available and /pray that we will affect our server Red Eye Mountain in a positive way for Christ and His Kingdom!

God Bless!
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If they don't like spam we may have issues with conflicting core values!!!

Welcome and well met.
If the redeemed forums do not do the job of fulfilling your required SPAM allotment, then seriously you need to visit a spam-shrink and get things worked out.
wow I can feel the love!

and I personally love spam, so I'll be getting my daily dose over here if that's ok :)

Tath, as you can see Icthus is a bad influence. You may want to run now. If you don't, then you won't be able to say that you weren't warned. You see, I was a lurker until I got here. Now look at my post count...