Well, I finally did it.

After months of prayerful consideration, confirmation by two different fleeces I let God handle, and diligent preparation, I have finally given my two weeks notice at my soon-to-be former employer.

I will be starting up my own independent real estate investment company, El Elohe Campbell Investments (DBA as something that people can actually pronounce, since that company name would be an instant death knell in a person-to-person business). The name comes from Genesis. Israel built an altar to God after overcoming his fear and being reunited with Esau, and named the place El Elohe Israel, which means "God, the Great God of Israel". (Campbell is my last name.)

I will be working with a member of my church who has been in the business for almost 2 years, and who is willing to share with me his network of investors and his expertise. I'd like prayer for the following things:

1. I need to start making positive income within about 6 months, unless God provides additional funding for us somehow.

2. My wife and I are in total agreement about this, because I was completely miserable at my job and needed to make some kind of a change. However, my family is going to be my biggest naysayers in this whole deal, so please pray that I would not get too angry with them until I can prove them wrong.

3. I'll be working from home, so please also pray that I would be able to find a new balance between family and work, and be disciplined enough to not "take a little break" in the middle of my work day to play a 4 hour session of GW.