What do you think of these, eon?

This might be a weird stance for a hardcore Canadian, but I'm not a true advocate for gun control. It's possible for a slippery-slope argument to occur. Many nations do NOT have it, and their murder rates involving guns are low. Canada's regulations, IMO, is alright for now. You can still obtain a gun, but with paperwork, whcih is fine. In some states in the USA, you can walk in to a store, and just buy a gun. Sad...
It's probably more of mentality than the ability to kill. I have tonnes of knives at home that I can kill people with, but do I? Has the thought ever crossed my mind? No. (Knife control, eh? <gollum>MY KNIFE!! DON'T TAKE ME KNIFESES!!! My Prrreeeccciiousssssssssss......</gollum>)
I'm a hardcore Canadian too ;). I love that $2 million gun control bill that ends up costing $1 billion. I'm sure the gang member about to do a drive-by is going to rush to register his gun!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ](Knife control, eh? <gollum>MY KNIFE!! DON'T TAKE ME KNIFESES!!! My Prrreeeccciiousssssssssss......</gollum>)

LOL, my sister and I used to do Gollum impersonations all the time, after hearing the book on tape years ago :-D!
Well, I guess it's a matter of perspective...

As I understand it, going from figures only a couple of years old, the US has a higher rate of violent crime, but a lower rate of crimes against property.

In other words, there is more chance of a rape or a murder, but less of a chance of a mugging or burglary.

Hmm. Ok, I was just curious. As for the rape/murder thing, here's a clip from justthefacts.com, which is giving American gun control stats regarding "right to carry".

* Between 1977 and 1992, 10 states adopted right-to-carry laws. Dr. Lott's study found that the implementation of these laws created:
-- no change in suicide rates,
-- a .5% rise in accidental firearm deaths,
-- a 5% decline in rapes,
-- a 7% decline in aggravated assaults,
-- and an 8% decline in murder

for the 10 states that adopted these laws between 1977 and 1992. (7)
* Using 1995 numbers, this amounts to:

-- 1 more accidental gun death,
-- 316 less murders,
-- 939 less rapes,
-- and 14,702 less aggravated assaults

in these 10 states annually. (16)

It's interesting that there is a difference in Britain with respect to that though. Do you have any British stats Eon? I'm interested in taking a look for comparison purposes!
I don't really believe that our move to the toughest gun control laws in the west has helped our crime problem really! As you say, crimes tend to be commited by criminals, and criminals are fairly well known for breaking the law.


A shooting in this country is still big news - during the Washington Sniper debacle, it's an interesting fact that there were as many deaths through OTHER firearms causes as there was by his/their hand. In the UK, of course, there wasn't a firearms death during that time...

Might I point out that America has the highest gun murder rate around? 11000+ at one count, with Japan at, umm...39? And the UK around 200?
Also, you gotta understand: if someone's shot in Britain, it's big news because all the spies and rumormongers (everyone) are astonished they didn't hear about it first, and get to tell it first.