What does chance to hit with spells mean..


New Member
Answer per Tseric----

"I picked up a staff in a Warlock quest that gives me an additional 1% chance to hit with spells. The problem is, I didn't know spells ever missed. Sure, I've seen my Hunter miss with arrows/bullets (always at the *worse* possible time, of course), but I've never seen one of my Warlock's spells actually *miss". Someone told me that it actually was referring to decreasing the chance that your spells would be resisted, and another person said it was the same as increased crit chance. I am sure the latter is wrong, since crit chance is worded differently, and I have no reason to believe the former is true, at least it could be worded more clearly.

Would someone provide me with the definitive answer on this please?"

~~Every spell school has a base 4% chance to be resisted fully. Most(all, except Holy) spell schools have resistances which can increase the chance of partial or full resists. The "chance to hit with spells" decreases the chance of a full resist. ~~

~~I was referring more to resistances as applied on player items. Holy is the only school that does not have + resist as an item stat ;)~~
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It does miss sometimes but so infrequently gear like that is pointless

like maybe 1 in 500 times
There is another blue post about chance to hit that goes into much greater detail. I can't seem to find it at the moment otherwise I would just link it. The idea is that before resistances are taken into effect, a "roll" is done to see if the spell even hits the mob. The only thing that goes into this calculation is your level difference and any +hit gear you have. If the mob is the same level as you, then you have a 4% chance of missing (shows up as "resisted"). If the mob is 3 levels above you (as is often the case in MC and other end-game instances) your chance to hit is more like 80%. Once the hit calculations are done, then resistances are taken into account and here your spell may be resisted partially or fully. The blue post also states that in general, +hit is markidly better than +crit for almost all spell casters. The blue said warlocks with a Ruin build (big damage increase on crits) may be an exception. I'm not sure if mages have a talent to increase crit damage too, but if so, they might find +cirt slightly better.
Almost every fire or frost build mage will have 5 points into talents that increase their crit damage.

Fire has 40% of your crit damage applied in 2 banks 2 seconds apart. This actually translates into *roughly* 110% damage added to your base (base crit is 50% added, plus 40% of 150%)

Frost just has 100% increase in crits applied immediately... or roughly double your base.

Fire has added bonuses (imp scorch to increase target's fire succeptabilty) and so forth. Adam would be a better person to ask - he's got a damage/crit build :)