What now


New Member
Well since the Open beta is over i think we should decide on the biggest issue we had when it started "servers" plz post ur ideas on if we should go on a pvp or pve and if we should wait a week or so to pick one because servers would be flooded. Btw i'll be gone all thanksgiving break so i hope this issue wil be cleared up soon.

My stance is an RP PvP server, if it is included (Currently RP servers are normal).

As we have seen from the polls, quite a few people prefer PvP over normal servers and those that want to be on normal have the concern that there will be too many 1337 gankers to ruin your fun. Being on the RP server, in my opinion, would be enough to keep out most of the immature gamers. Plus, the name policy and the moderation will allow us to be more absorbed into the game world.

I prefer alliance, so I would rather we start with those characters with horde being our alts on another server.

For those who don't know. here are the differences between normal and PvP servers:
- PvP servers automatically put you in PvP in a contested zone, which are any region for level 20+.
- You may only create characters of one faction on PvP servers (I think this holds true but I'm not positive)
It seems from the poll most people want to play on the pvp server so I would guess pvp of some kind. The RP server sounds like it could be helpful keep griefers and anoyances to a minimum though it does limit what we can talk about in general chat, but from what I understand they do not monitor guild chat.

I'm asuming we are playing East or central as that seems to be where most of us come from.

I would suggest the first day everyone check the forums and we should post what server everyone should start on so we don't have to keep switching ala the beta.
While I have only just joined ToJ and the WoW chapter I am inclined to agree with Weazel. I'm all for the PvP servers, but the one thing i would like to avoid if possable are all thte people who ruin the experance for everyone. With the rules that Blizzard has set up on the Rp servers it seems that the Rp servers will be the best bet if we want to avoid people that take away from the ingame experance. So I'm all for the PvP-Rp servers if they are up at release.
I don't think it would be an overal good idea to join an rp server simply because you want to avoid the chat on another.  If you're irritated by it, you can always turn it off.
And, I think the attitude on any server, whether it's rp, pvp, or normal, is absolutely great.  People will go out of their way to help another out, and because this was evident during the stress test I don't see a problem with it at release.

We won't be announcing any servers until we can find a specific one to join.  Expect to see an announcement Tuesday at noon. Please bear with us until that time.
Sounds like a plan.. ack. will i be able to concentrate on work today... I think not