What the west needs to know...


New Member
There is a very interesting and disturbing video series called Obsession: Radical Islam. It is an 8 part series that depicts what is being taught in radical islamic states. Please view it. It is very informative and every one of us needs to know exactly what we are facing as a Christian nation and the leader of the struggle against terrorism. Here is the link to the first part:

This video series should inform you about what we are facing in this war and why we need to be over there lest they come over here. It is a sad truth that we are too confortable in our freedoms and our own personal lives in America. The majority of the public is not supporting our efforts over there because we keep losing troops and don't seem to be progressing towards a stable, secure, and diplomatic Iraq. There is a much larger issue at stake here than most realize. The majority of Islamic states do not like us. Some even hate us and believe that we are Satan. They are teaching their citizens and their children to hate us and to do everything in their power to resist us and attack us. We need to make as much people aware of what we face over there or we will become subject to more and more terrorist attacks. Benjamin Franklin once said that anyone who gives up a little freedom for a little security, deserves neither. I tend to disagree with this in today's world. I believe that if we don't allow our country to become more secure for the sake of some of our small freedoms, we will soon have neither. It is sad that we have to wait to be attacked to actually support this.

Islamic radicalism is a growing problem for the whole world. There is sooooo much evidence of this that our media never reports because it seems to be driven by political agendas. Our people actually only see a very small picture of how things are in the rest of the world. We have to dig up information on our own to be actually educated with what we need to know. Most don't do this.

Is armageddon near? I don't know and neither does anyone else. But if it comes in our lifetime, it very well could be started by what's going on over there in the radical islamic culture today. Think of how small Israel is and how they are surrounded on every side by coutries that hate them and would love to see them wiped off the face of the earth. Just think of what would happen if Iran does finally develop those nuclear weapons. Don't think they aren't. We're trying to shed light on that fact and most countries don't seem to be backing us on it. Why? Because they are comfortable with how they are living their lives today and not too worried about tomorrow so long as the USA is the terrorist's primary target. I'll end this post with a good quote. It's the first thing you see in the video.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil...

... is for good men to do nothing.

-Edmund Burke (1729-1797)
Irish philosopher, statesman
What do radical Islamists have to do with armageddon?

Aren't radical sects of Islam only a small majority of the 1.3 billion followers that make up that religion?

I don't know if we have very many options here. It's not like we can declare a reverse jihad and go after them.
What do radical Islamists have to do with armageddon?
I'm just saying that if radical Islamics ever decide they want to try to wipe out Israel, it may very well be the war foretold because of the scale due to the countries that would be involved and the fact that nukes could be used.

Aren't radical sects of Islam only a small majority of the 1.3 billion followers that make up that religion?
One of the experts in the video series estimated that 10-15% of the followers of Islam were radicals that aim to kill any and all Americans and Jews. He also said that the percentage that just hate us is much much larger. Now if you consider that 10-15% of 1.3 billion is over 130 million people bent on killing us, that's very significant and disturbing.

I don't know if we have very many options here. It's not like we can declare a reverse jihad and go after them.
You are correct. We cannot declare jihad against them because well one, we aren't muslims (at least most of us) and two, we would not declare war against a religion. It is not Islam that we are facing as an adversary, it's Islamic radicals who twist their own religion into hate-breeding against us. Arab media is fueling this ideal and no-one is doing anything about it or even really reporting on it. Remember the international debacle about the cartoons making fun of Mohammed? Well, you should see some of the stuff that broadcasts on Arab media channels about our political and spiritual leaders. But of course, that never gets any press.
I'm just saying that if radical Islamics ever decide they want to try to wipe out Israel, it may very well be the war foretold because of the scale due to the countries that would be involved and the fact that nukes could be used.

One of the experts in the video series estimated that 10-15% of the followers of Islam were radicals that aim to kill any and all Americans and Jews. He also said that the percentage that just hate us is much much larger. Now if you consider that 10-15% of 1.3 billion is over 130 million people bent on killing us, that's very significant and disturbing.

You are correct. We cannot declare jihad against them because well one, we aren't muslims (at least most of us) and two, we would not declare war against a religion. It is not Islam that we are facing as an adversary, it's Islamic radicals who twist their own religion into hate-breeding against us. Arab media is fueling this ideal and no-one is doing anything about it or even really reporting on it. Remember the international debacle about the cartoons making fun of Mohammed? Well, you should see some of the stuff that broadcasts on Arab media channels about our political and spiritual leaders. But of course, that never gets any press.

Solutions then? Honestly, I have no idea.
Well that blows. I guess it's been 'silenced'. Again we have to dig up our own sources of information since our media won't report it.

I don't understand it. Why aren't we seeing more of this? These are things we need to know about. How are we supposed to put any stock into national security when we aren't shown how much we are being threatened? I guess we'll just have to wait until another building gets bombed, or suicide bombers start wreaking havoc, or maybe even a dirty bomb or low yield nuke makes its way into our borders. Maybe then people will take the blinders off.
I found that this 'video series' is actually a documentary movie. You can find the website at http://www.obsessionthemovie.com

Here is the synopsis pulled from the website:
From the creators of Relentless, comes a new film that will challenge the way you look at the world.

Almost 70 years ago, Europe found itself at war with one of the most sinister figures in modern history: Adolf Hitler. When the last bullet of World War II was fired, over 50 million people were dead, and countless countries were both physically and economically devastated. Hitler’s bloody struggle sought to forge the world anew, in the crucible of Nazi values. How could such a disaster occur? How could the West have overlooked the evil staring it in the face, for so long, before standing forcefully against it?

Today, we find ourselves confronted by a new enemy, also engaged in a violent struggle to transform our world. As we sleep in the comfort of our homes, a new evil rises against us. A new menace is threatening, with all the means at its disposal, to bow Western Civilization under the yoke of its values. That enemy is Radical Islam.

Using images from Arab TV, rarely seen in the West, Obsession reveals an ‘insider's view' of the hatred the Radicals are teaching, their incitement of global jihad, and their goal of world domination. With the help of experts, including first-hand accounts from a former PLO terrorist, a Nazi youth commander, and the daughter of a martyred guerilla leader, the film shows, clearly, that the threat is real.

A peaceful religion is being hijacked by a dangerous foe, who seeks to destroy the shared values we stand for. The world should be very concerned.
Well that blows. I guess it's been 'silenced'. Again we have to dig up our own sources of information since our media won't report it.

I don't understand it. Why aren't we seeing more of this? These are things we need to know about. How are we supposed to put any stock into national security when we aren't shown how much we are being threatened? I guess we'll just have to wait until another building gets bombed, or suicide bombers start wreaking havoc, or maybe even a dirty bomb or low yield nuke makes its way into our borders. Maybe then people will take the blinders off.

Eh? If I were you, I wouldn't mistake YouTube for a credible news source.
Neither is cnn :p all news sources are biased, it is up to you to find the most credible, or in the case of most americans, the easiest to access.
/offtopic "What the world needs now is another folk singer, like I need a whole in my head" /ontopic

Sorry for some reason that verse from a song popped into my head while reading this thread.

If I may promote my blog for a moment, you can read my latest post about some wonderful media bias stuff that regards this topic. So yeah, not too off topic....I guess.

My Empire of Dirt

GO! Read.....now!
wouldnt that be hole, or is it an intentional pun?

Hehe I love how you write, I can read it incredibly fast by skimming through it and not loose any meaning. It is creepy when you start to read in parallel :eek:
I think you need to read the koran(or q'uarn as it is sometimes called). It specifically spells out what is to happen to those who do not believe..convert or die. These "radicals" are actualy jsut following their text to the letter..the "radicals" are a media invention to concel the "moderates" who are the actual decievers. Many moderate Muslims either don't know their text very well or are willfully ignorant of their religous leaders and scriptures stances.

So you are saying that 85-90 percent of those that follow Islam, which amounts to roughly 1.17 billion people, don't understand their religion? And that these radicals are actually the only ones that do?