What this Warlock is using...


New Member
Since it's almost 4am but I'm not tired, here is a thread about all the addons my warlock is currently using.

Unit Frames
xPerl - Insanely customizable. You can resize frames, show targets of all party members, reposition all your frames, etc. Even includes range checks for healers and lots of buff/debuff display options. An excellent replacement to Blizzard's default bars.

CT Mod raid frames - xPerl has raid frames and a CT Mod compatible raid assist, but I just don't like the look of the raid frames so I still use CT Mod.

Combat Stats / Tools
SWStats - My favorite damage/healing meters. Shows crit rate, overheals, damage taken, etc. Syncs with other party members running it. Highly customizable output. Solid addon.

MobInfo2 / MobHealth - Knowing the number of HP a mob has left is way better than knowing the percentage. That's one thing this pack does. In addition, it tracks all mobs if you have killed on all your characters, what they drop, the percent drop rate, resist percents, if they run when low on health, etc. A "must have" in my book.

Scrolling Combat Text and Damage - Much more detailed than the Blizzard combat text. Choose where you want healing/damage shown. In addition can display mana/health regen, combo points gain, weapon procs, damage type, healing vs. overhealing, etc. Lots of information and highly customizable.

Instance and Boss Help
Atlas and Atlas Loot - Display maps of instances (and flight points, battlegrounds, etc) and view the loot that drops in those instances. Unfortunately, Atlas has been slow to update post-BC, but I'm sure they will correct that soon.

BigWigs - Timers, warnings, and helpers for raid bosses. A nice package that includes all sorts of tools to help you with raid bosses. Not necessary if you aren't raiding.

Professions and the Economy
Pricemod / WowEcon - Download pricing information for auctions daily and displays them automatically on an item's tooltip. Also gives disenchanting information (what does an item DE into and what are the percentages of each) and vendor prices. This mod is without equal and anyone looking to maximize profit should have this running.

Gemlist - Jewelcrafter specific. Allows people to whisper you a gem query and you will automatically respond with the gems you can cut that match the query. For example, you can whisper me "!gems blue crit" and I will respond with links to all blue gems with "crit" in the description. A great tool that saves lots of time an headaches. I get about 1 gem whisper every 10 minutes during peak playtime. This mod is a dream come true.

Enchant Bot - Like Gemlist, but for enchants. 'Nuff said :)

Fishing Buddy - Makes fishing a little better. Includes mods to automatically apply lures, auto loot, change gear for fishing, bind casting to a mouse click, track fish caught (type, numbers, and percents by location). A must for the serious angler.

AdSpace - On the tooltip for a pattern, recipe, formula, etc I will show you which vendor it came from and the purchase price. A great way to avoid getting scammed on vendor recipes that people try and AH for insane prices.

Advanced Tradeskill Window - A new trade skill window that is searchable, sortable, and easy to use. Allows you to queue multiple items to be crafted. Automatically queues crafted items that are required to make bigger items (ie. converting cloth to bolts before making a tailored robe). Also has easy linking of mats via /say /guild /party /whisper or whatever. I don't know how anyone with a profession lives without it.

General Use
Character Viewer - Do you have an alt or a bank alt? Get this! It shows you all items on your other characters, their bank, their inventory, etc. An absolute must if you have more than one character.

CT Mod - CT Mod is more than just raid frames. I love CT Mail, CT Expense Report, and some features of CT Core. Mail is awesome for sending and receiving lots of items. Expense report is great for tracking where your money is going (just for the gee whiz factor). Core has all kinds of neat features like removing the gryphon from the bar at the bottom to putting timers over your spell buttons when they are on cooldown.

Titan Panel - Puts a handy bar at the top (and bottom if you like) portion of your screen that can display XP information, rep info, guild info, etc. Think of it like an uber "start menu" for WoW. Lots of mods have Titan plugins that allow them to make use of the Titan Panel bar.

LootLink - Keeps track of all items you have ever seen in an easily searchable database. Want to link someone that uber helm that dropped on your last run? It's in LootLink. Want to brighten someone's day with a [Pet Rock]? It's in there too.

Warlock Specific
DoTimer - Puts pretty timer bars to track and time your DoTs, Fears, Banishes, Seduce, etc and what mobs they are on. Also has seperate bars to track cool downs. A must for any warlock, and I do mean *must*. Warlocks are being called on to CC lots in BC instances and the only way to do that effectively is to know when your CCes are up. A warlock with this mod can be 90% as effective as a mage at CC, and that's pretty good.

Necrosis - Organize the billion spell buttons warlocks have into a nice radial menu. Also includes a shard counter and announces for SS and Sumons. I mainly use it for the fact that it organizes 2 whole bars worth of spells into a tiny portion of my screen.

SmartBuff / SmartDebuff - Not actually warlock specific, but a good tool for warlocks. It is sort of the "Decursive" of Burning Crusade. The nice thing is, it works GREAT with your felpuppy devour magic. There are some very cleanse intensive fights in Burning Crusade where warlocks are expected to be solid debuff removers. This mod makes it super-easy. Displays a small panel with blocks for each party members. Puts a bright blue "L" over the player's block when they are debuffed with someone you cleanse. Just left click the block and your pet eats the debuff of that player. Highly customizable and can be disabled for the 99% of the time you wont need it. But this mod is amazing for the 1% of the time you do.

I think that is most of the mods I use on my warlock. I have other class-specific mods for my other characters, but I wont get into them right now. It's 4:30am and I should try and sleep :) I hope this helps and let me know if you have any questions.
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Forgot one...

ItemRack - Useful for swapping out different gear sets. Can easily create buttons for a damage set, around town set, tanking set, resistance set, whatever set. You can even set it to change gear automatically. For example, ItemRack equips my Riding Crop whenever I mount.
It was pointed out to me that none of my links work since I linked from my favorites. Whoops.

Anywho, I have added a new mod.

eCastingBar - Displays a moveable, resizable, reskinable enemy cast bar. Make the bar big and move it to the middle of your screen and you will never miss a cast again. I have mine set to invisible unless the target is casting. It also has casting bars for focus targets, your own casts, and what is called the "mirror bar". That is for things like fishing and breath timers. I have all those disabled, but they might come in handy for someone.
I had some requests for screenshots with my mods. Here they are during the Prince fight in Karazhan.

You can see FuBar along the top with FuGuild, FuLocation, FuVolume, FuSWStats, FuBags, FuPerformance, and FuBigwigs. On the bottom left of the screen is NaturEnemyCastbar keeping track of respawn times. In the middle are BigWigs timing bars and eCasting bar over that. eCasting bar is only there when the mob is casting. You can also my 3 streams of Scrolling Combat text info (dmg out on left, notifications on top, and incoming heals on right). To the right of the center is DoTimer and to the right of that, Necrosis. I use XPerl for my party, self, and target frames and CTRaid for my raid frames (I like the look better than XPerl).