What to see & do pre-Cataclysm


New Member
If you've logged in and ventured outside of Dala/BGs/Heroics lately, you'll notice that a lot of mini-events are going on in Azeroth. They're kinda random so I wanted to start a thread to capture what folks have seen ... so if you wanna see such things, you don't miss them.

What I've found:
1) The "reclaiming Gnomeregan" questline in Ironforge / Dun Morough (starts in IF Tinker Town I think)
2) The "Doomsday" questline in IF/SW (really I think it's SW, but there's a breadcrumb in IF.
3) Random earthquakes/birds flying around/stuff spurts up from the earth throughout Azeroth
4) Random "crazed elementals" ... See Tekton's note below, I was wrong about these.

None of this gives achievements or anything, it's just eye candy and/or lore.

Anything else?
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Level a horde character if you haven't already. Really gives you a different perspective.

Finish any Loremaster things you are working on, as they will be reset in Cataclysm. If you have the achievement, you'll keep it, but if you're say, 500/700 Eastern Kingdoms like I am currently, your progress will be reset when they revamp that achievement.

I doubt anyone else is as crazy as I am, but if you are going for the Insane title, do it now. It has been confirmed that this will no longer be attainable in Cataclysm.

Run ZG as least once. Farm your mounts there if you want them as well. The raid lockout on this is only a few days now, I believe. ZG will be gone as a raid in Cataclysm. I am not sure if it will be a questing area or a 5-man, but I am pretty sure the mounts will be gone.
Run ZG as least once. Farm your mounts there if you want them as well. The raid lockout on this is only a few days now, I believe. ZG will be gone as a raid in Cataclysm. I am not sure if it will be a questing area or a 5-man, but I am pretty sure the mounts will be gone.

Additionally on ZG: Yojamba Isle is going to be cleared out in Cata apparently, and Zandalar Tribe is no longer going to be the same sort of rep/achievement:
Note that there's a four-week pre-Cata sequence (Elemental Invasion) where there's a different/next step every week. The first stage is already done, now we're in week 2. It looks like stuff gets turned off and on every week, with Sunday night being the cutoff (not the typical Tuesday night patch cycle).

It's not super-exciting stuff (yet) but it does look like, to see it all, you need to be logging in at least once a week for the next several weeks.

There's a single Feat of Strength (Tripping the Rifts) at stake. The first way to do it is already over and done. The next opportunity will be in defending cities, which looks like it might be next week's event.

All this is explained in the wowhead link above.