When are you on?


New Member
Just checking...how often does everyone on Cenarius log in? Seems I can never catch anyone. :) My wife and I play 2 hours every night around 5 to 7pm Pacific...
I admit I usually hop right onto Stonemaul nowadays, but I'd be willing to stop by Cenarius to check in first when I sit down to play.

I usually play after I get home from class, when I don't have an assignment or paper due the next day, usually between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays. Friday mornings and early afternoons are probably my best times to play, since my wife has classes on Fridays and I don't. I usually try to stay off WoW on Saturdays, unless my wife is busy with schoolwork and I don't have any assignments due the following Monday.
I do play on Cenarius, not as much as I used to, but I am definitley up for some horde action sometimes if there are some others on. I usually play with my undead mage, Castincrowns, but I started an undead rogue called Doubleoseven so PST me and we can chill out! CYA
I just created a charecter on there, his name is Thwarf, he is a troll shamen currently level 10. I am only allowed to play on the weekend (including friday after school) I am not usally on as him but sent me an xfire and I will join up :)

P.S. if you havn't seen one of the many other threads where I have said this my xfire SN is "cheeseo"
Oop, should've mentioned, I play as Yiska, a Tauren Shaman, on Cenarius. Yiska is currently level 7.

I can give out Mustard Seed Conspiracy guild invites, but I'll need to verify that you're a ToJ member first by finding your name on the roster.

If you use Xfire, then please add me and message me when you're about to hop onto Cenarius. My Xfire ID is tek7.