Whered everybody go?

school+comunity college classes+writing assingments+a bible study to prepare= very little time

I would be interested on playing sometime when ive got some free time. Mabye friday night or something?
school+home coming float+family problems+cs=no BF2 yet, but I'll start playing more I promise. If you see me on XFire or any other IM just ask if I can play. The only way I won't is if I'm playing something else or doing something else that has to be done.
I'm not on Xfire because it has a tendancy to crash my computer. I'm looking at doing some stuff w/ my comp to make it a bit more stable in the coming months and I'll try it again at that time. Until then, I can be reached on AIM and MSN.
the server we had was shut down...and guys next weekend (not this one coming up [Oct. 1-2]) i should be home...i might be leaving earlier though because my little brother's school is starting to register people Tuesday (Oct. 4) and you have to be in person to register so i think my parents will be taking me and my little brother home shortly...then i will be playing bf2 for about a week until school starts (when i am not at work....)