Who are you?


Minecraft is a fun game. Multiplayer Minecraft is a fun social game. But we're more than that. We're a fellowship! So those of you who frequent the server and these forums, let's learn more about you.

I'll go ahead and set an example.

(remember, all information is optional. Just share whatever you'd like.)

IRL: Ken
In game: Koahjohnson
Physical Age: 36
Spiritual Age: (how long have you been walking with Jesus) 31
Gender: Male
Location: Austin, Texas
Denomination: Non denominational protestant.
Job: GeekSquad 3rd party support

Your minecraft goals: To build fellowship and a community, to build an airship crew, and to have fun.
Your minecraft playstyle: I'm more of a surface player. I like creating homes with guest rooms, and farming / hunting for food to provide to those in need. I don't usually delve into the ground unless I need supplies.

Anything else you want to share: Just that it's really awesome to be here with you all!
:) I like this idea.

IRL: Ryan
IGN: Soka7 ([ToJ.cc]Rexul on Steam)
Age: 19 (raised in the church so it's hard to say if there's a different age spiritually...)
Gender: Male
Location: Elyria, Ohio
Denomination: I go to an Assembly of God building regularly. Personally, I believe what the Bible tells me and what other people show me in the Bible so it doesn't matter what the denomination of the building and the sign out front is as long as the church(Body of Christ/Church united/the people.) believes the Bible. Umm... It's kinda like saying "So, are you a Jew or a Gentile?" When what made us "Jews" was shared with everyone or what made us "Gentiles" wasn't kept from us anymore in Christ's resurrection. xD All of that to say I really don't care about denomination sooo I would feel kinda weird if you pinned me to one. :) It's all the same to me as long as the God in God's Word is still God and the Word is still His Word even if we disagree sometimes about what He's telling us.
Job: xD I'm a sales associate at GFS Marketplace. (Currently attending a bible college because I feel called to be a pastor, after I graduate I'm looking into getting into game design and stuffs because I like to be creative and make stuff like video games.)

Minecraft goals: >:D TO COMPLETE NIELF CITY! And build all around awesomeness stuff that makes you kinda sit there and be like o_O you did what?...

Playstyle: My favorite thing to do is building stuff... but I don't mean like houses, my favorite things I've build in the past are my bank vault, game house, and rave machine. I like wiring redstone and tinkering with design ideas (I even used a redstone machine to ask my girlfriend out, she thought it was cute xD). I never sleep unless asked to because I like combat too, my favorite part is the running around dodging arrows and my weapon of choice is a bucket of lava and bow combination. Creating without exploring and discovering for me is pointless though, I don't like creative mode at all, but that's just me ^_^;

Anything else you want to share: Well... xD not right now. :) Any questions for me?

[Edit] Oh! Right, and if you were wondering how I got my IGN, I came up with Soka randomly and found out it means "I see" in Japanese later and kept it. Now I usually make my IGN either Rexul or Xerlux (Rexul usually, Xerlux if Rexul is taken.) though, it's a combination of two Latin words, "Rex" which means king and "Lux" which means light. My name, Ryan, means "little king", and I think lux sounds cool and it sounded cool when I combined them like that, so that's the story behind my IGNs. xD But don't steal them, or I will be sad!

[Edit2] Players I know in real life: :) Like my mom (Abea) said, we know Slushi, he's cool. I went to a local anime convention with him once and know him from our church. And Catakou is my brother -looks up- well, still waiting for that DNA test, but my mom seems pretty sure about it. I know a few other people that play minecraft, but none of them play on ToJ.
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First Name: Benjamin
In game: tojben
Physical Age: 19
Gender: Male
Location: Fairbanks, Alaska-land

Minecraft goals: To construct a underground fortress.
Minecraft play-style: Subterranean lifestyle, I'll go up to the surface occasionally to gather wood though.

I like firearms, crossbows and hunting. :p
Woot for Koah! Good idea dude! Hey Koah - Can you add the question: What Players do you know in real life?

IRL: Marcie
In game: Abea - for the record, in our household we call it A like apple and B like well, b - you know? So there you have it. lol
Physical Age: 44
Spiritual Age: (how long have you been walking with Jesus) Raised in a Christian household. Took my official walk to the alter at about 15. Discovered it wasn't just about covering my sins, but that I could have a real Relationship in my 20s.
Gender: FEMale
Location: Elyria, OH
Denomination: Non denominational protestant.
Job: Author/Speaker, F1 Administrator at my church, and Customer Service Representative (Cashier) at Aldi's
What Players do you know in real life: Well for those that don't know Soka7 and Catakou are my sons in real life. And we know Slushmasteri.

Your minecraft goals: Have fun, get to know people, keep it simple. I go with what ever is going on at the time. Oh, and I think I've almost become a professional at living at peace and harmony with the Creepers. They are my friends. :eek:) I would like to complete Herod's Temple someday.
Your minecraft playstyle: This, that, and the other thing.

Other stuff, well, you can learn all about me by going to my website: http://30days.info - I'm a published author. You can learn even more about me by going to my blog at http://http://marcielynns.wordpress.com. You can see my vlogs at my book's youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/30DaysDevo?feature=mhee And minecraft videos at my personal youtube at http://www.youtube.com/user/MarciesVids

Anything else you want to know, just email me. lol
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I am kinda new to this site so most of you don't know me.

It is hard for me to talk about myself because most of the time people use the info to hurt me.

IRL: Michael
In game: M_Unlimited because "I can do all things through Christ"
Physical Age: 30
Spiritual Age: (how long have you been walking with Jesus) I was 7 I think, but when I was a teen I met a pastor that taught me how to find things out for myself and always research thangs for myself. I have learned so mutch since then. (People don't always know what thay are talking about even if thay think thay do.) Reading books is a lost art.
Gender: Male
Location: CA
Denomination: Non denominational protestant. (Denominations are a tool to split up the body of christ.)
Job: Electrician
I know Imzadi, she is my sister but she does not play as mutch as me.

Here is somthing cool I learned about Gods creation: After going to school to become an Electrician the Holy Spirit started showing me things. After learning about electrical frequencies, light frequencies, sound frequencies and color frequencies I realized what we were made out of.

When God spoke sound waves came out of His mouth, every type of matter has a different electrical frequency vibration/ Sound wave/ Sound frequency, Some audible some not.

God spoke everything into existence.

So this Proves the Bible is right.

What God did is a bit more complicated than that but this helps me to understand it better.

I hope I explained that so you can understand it, I'm not good at explaining things. And I hope you found it interesting.

I forgot to tell you wat I like to do in Minecraft. I like to make epic mines, epic minecart systems, epic farms, epic houses, epic castles and................
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I have only been part of the server for a short time...and haven't been able to spend an awful long time...but I'll put myself out there and let you know who I am!

IRL: Scott
In game: ScottyD86
Physical Age: 25
Spiritual Age: I grew up going to church and going to a Christian summer camp...but did not make the personal decision to follow Jesus until I was 15. I fell off the wagon for most of high school, however...but I have been growing faithfully in my walk with Him for 6 years now.
Gender: Male
Location: Boston area, MA
Denomination: I don't know if I would label myself personally in a denomination, but I faithfully attend an Evangelical Free church.
Job: Grill cook...but I am currently being mentored (and will hopefully return to school) to be a youth pastor at my church.

Your minecraft goals: Build a home within a tight community and get to know those who I play with.
Your minecraft playstyle: I pretty much like to explore, build a home, and from there I dig down deep...but I don't often like moving to a new area unless it becomes vital. I enjoy a community to interact with as well. I also enjoy the occasional night of hunting.

Anything else: I enjoy many other styles of gaming outside of Minecraft (video games and otherwise). I own a PS3, Wii, and DS and frequent games of all three consoles. I recently started playing disc golf and LOVE LOVE LOVE the game (though I'm not very good :rolleyes: ). I have been married for 3 years and my first child is due January 1!
IRL: Eric
IGN: Eabrek
Physical Age: 16
Spiritual Age: I'd like to think I've been walking with Jesus since I was born, so 16
Gender: Male
Location: Antarctica errr...Duluth, MN
Denomination: Catholic
Job: Taking notes in boring classes. I believe some call it "school." I also umpire at the local little league baseball fields.
People I Know: Lurthemir (hardly plays MC anymore) is my IRL best friend.

Minecraft Goals: To build epic things, have a great time with other players, and not get blown up by a creeper!
Minecraft Playstyle: I like pretty much every aspect of MC, and what I do on a certain day depends on what I feel like doing, or what I need. Whether I feel like going creature slaying or diamond mining, it will happen!

More About Me: I like to think of myself as a "cool" nerd XP I enjoy playing baseball at the highschool level and hunting, shooting, fishing, airsoft and other outdoors stuff...that is..when I'm not at a computer :D I am also pretty much obsessed with fantasy stuff - books, games (ex-WoW player) drawing fantasy maps for an RPG game between my friend and I. So yah...nerd. Not geek, nerd. Get it right.
IRL: Benjamin
In game: Pelagrin
Physical Age: 35
Spiritual Age: Was raised in church and I'm not sure at what point my exact date of salvation was....but I know that I'm saved by grace through faith in Christ's atoning sacrifice.
Gender: Male
Location: Southern-ish IL (right by St. Louis, MO)
Denomination: LCMS (Lutheran) - My background in case anyone cares -- I was raised Nazarene, then visited/explored other denominational churchs/beliefs (Pentecostal, Non-Deneom. Charasmatic, Baptist, Presbyterian) throughout my 20s.
Job: BusinessObjects Admin

Your minecraft goals: It's a fun way to mindlessly unwind at the end of the day.
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IRL: Alex
In game: ProSimm
Physical Age: 14
Spiritual Age: 13/12? i think
Gender: Male
Location: Northern Indiana
Denomination: Go to a baptist school... meh... like evangilism more though =p if that's one
Job: Annoying people and breaking servers

Your minecraft goals: Make a giant above ground home and have it branch into massive beautiful rooms underground
Your minecraft playstyle: Arrows, killing, secretive, oh you better hide (when i was typing this i put oh you better die instead of hide xD)
IRL: Benjamin (Go by Ben. Theres a lot of us here.. lol..)
In game: blsimpson
Physical Age: 32
Spiritual Age: around 28
Gender: Male
Location: Bay Area, California
Denomination: I attend a Foursquare church currently, but was raised non-denominational.
Job: Salesforce.com Implementation Consultant

Your minecraft goals: Just to have fun. Im new here, so getting to know the other players.
Your minecraft playstyle: I like to build, even though I am really no good at it.. lol. Grand ideas in my head, not so getting them out..

Other stuff: I love everything computers, even when things go wrong. I am also a very outdoors kind of person (Hunting, fishing, biking..) I am married, with three children, one of whom (Zackary who just turned 7) just started playing MC. I currently host a small SMP server (dont worry, no plugging gunna happen. :) ) and am looking forward to just being able to play, lol.. :)