Why do you play WoW


So seeing how sometimes the guild is inactive, and other times we've got people chomping at the bit to get to do something I figured I'd start a poll and see why do "you" play WoW.
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I play WoW to play with you guys, but my time during this summer has been extremely limited. Hoping that changes come Fall time.
Same as Ech, but also to get away from real life stuff like work. I like to think, figure stuff out, discover, etc. and this game let's me do that in a fun environment. Notice that none of these things are characteristic of daily quests :p Which is probably why I've lost interest in raiding much this tier. I'm having a blast just leveling and PVPing on my hunter.

There's just not much left for me to discover in WoW.
I started playing after a bad car accident. I refused to play any online game but was suckered by some RL friends who then bailed on me after a couple of weeks of play. I soon became engrossed in the whole game but realized it was becoming too much. I quit, but then came back casually. It is a stress reliever.
For me, it's just for fun/hobby. My main goal right now is just to lvl some of my toons, but I enjoy grouping with guildies too, whether it be 5 man or raid.