Why pirates are better than ninjas

I'd give it an A+ just for this line:

"...almost as impressive as Chuck Norris’ poker face that helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game Uno."

although I know you stole it. so then it'd be an F.
then an A+ again, because you say Pirates ate the ninja. bravo.
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I'd give it an A+ just for this line:

"...almost as impressive as Chuck Norris’ poker face that helped him win the 1983 World Series of Poker despite him holding just a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoly card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game Uno."

although I know you stole it. so then it'd be an F.
then an A+ again, because you say Pirates ate the ninja. bravo.

yeah i forgot my citation on that one cuz it was 1am and i was having fun with it and it was due the next morning, granted i had worked on it for the last 2 months
Good paper Atown. Well done. I have always wanted to be a pirate. But I can't figure out how to reconcile that with Christianity... am still going to work on convincing my dad to let me mount some cannon on the pontoon boat. Avast ye!
Good paper Atown. Well done. I have always wanted to be a pirate. But I can't figure out how to reconcile that with Christianity... am still going to work on convincing my dad to let me mount some cannon on the pontoon boat. Avast ye!

its all about privateering dude, just talk to the navy and say you'll run a ship looking for terrorist and you'll split half the uranium with the american government :rolleyes:
its all about privateering dude, just talk to the navy and say you'll run a ship looking for terrorist and you'll split half the uranium with the american government :rolleyes:

But that requires an ocean going vessel. I don't have one. The pontoon that I have would be perfect for attacking small fishing boats. And capturing thier.... worms.
commandeer a vessel, like any good pirate.

Pirates have been used by government, before. So the terrorist hunting isn't too far off.
take Sir Francis Drake, for example. probably the cleanest pirate ever.
commandeer a vessel, like any good pirate.

Pirates have been used by government, before. So the terrorist hunting isn't too far off.
take Sir Francis Drake, for example. probably the cleanest pirate ever.

as i mentioned in my paper ^_^
you know...if you're a pirate......you had better REALLY like your shipmates. It ain't like you can just go 'take a walk' when Graysomething gets under your skin....
So you are a deceptionist if you're a ninja. At least pirates are better.

Pirates say "You're dead, yaaargh!" or "You'll die fer that, matey!" before they kill you. Honorably, I mean. Ninjas? Bah. Ninjas just stab you and run and worry about when they get their pay check.
but.....by definition, pirates are liars, cheaters, out right scoundrels.... They have no honor, only honor to other pirates....and even that is questionable given what might be at stake. And pirates will stabe you in the back...or the front....and take your stuff instead of collecting a paycheck.

Ninjas come from Japan. Can you think of a culture more deeply rooted in honor? I think not. Yes, they deceive, and hide, and what not. However it's not personal gain alone they go after. It's more of a job, then a life style.
but.....by definition, pirates are liars, cheaters, out right scoundrels.... They have no honor, only honor to other pirates....and even that is questionable given what might be at stake. And pirates will stabe you in the back...or the front....and take your stuff instead of collecting a paycheck.

Ninjas come from Japan. Can you think of a culture more deeply rooted in honor? I think not. Yes, they deceive, and hide, and what not. However it's not personal gain alone they go after. It's more of a job, then a life style.
cough china cough