Worship music vs uplifting entertainment


New Member
What kinds of music does your church sing in the Sunday services and prayer services?

Are they songs that give praise and glory to God? (I mean actual words in the song that lift up God.)
Or are they songs that lift us up and do more to entertain us? (Actual words that have uplifting christian themes.)

The reason I ask such a question is, it seems that instead of lifting God up in worship music in our services, we seem more to be focusing songs toward us with a more of an uplifting to ourselves.

Don't get me wrong here, I am for all kinds of christian music. I just think that if we can't come together in the body of Christ on a Sunday service or a prayer service and just worship God with songs of praise & glory to Him and Him alone then there is something definatly wrong.

As of late I've noticed a subtle change in songs that are sung in church services. Songs that seem to lift us up and do more to entertain us.

Whats going on here I wonder? HHHMMMMMMMMMMMM....... So what are your thoughts on this?
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I agree with you Jesh, I've been kind'a seeing the same thing, and I've thought the same thing in the past. I do pay attention to the lyrics to be sure of what I'm singing.
Love ya bro,
I like hymns.I like P&W like City on a hill.But I do like a traditional service.But I dont see why the music cant be a mix of both.
The One who Schools and is old(29)
I agree with you and Pastor, we have to focus on praising and serving God first and foremost. I've noticed the same things. I would even go a step further and point out what you might call a "quite deterioration" of not just our culture, but many of our churches. We allow too many little things in (music that doesn't focus on God, acceptance of things in the church [and our lives]that shouldn't be there, etc....) because we don't see any big harm coming from them alone. The danger is that small things lead to larger things and they become harder to stop. My personal opinion is that things like the acceptance of homosexuals in some denomination's clergy and so many other things started from the "little" things that "really didn't matter". I'm glad to see that people still ask these types of questions and really do look at what is going on around us.
I have to agree with you URA, I have seen it far too often in church's. They start accepting the little things and soon, those little things turn into BIG things.....

I don't have much time to type on this subject right now, so I will post more thoughts later.