Would you rather play a hunter than a .....?


New Member
Well guys and gals, it's been a lot of fun. I'm even going into Karahzan for the first time tomorrow. But, I can't really spend the kind of time that's really needed on the game that's necessary to keep on raiding. And, I kinda feel like if I can't raid, what's left to enjoy out of the game at this point?

I thought it would be best to offer Zacch to guildies first. I'm not quitting right away, but probably this month sometime would be a good time to quit if I do. So, with that said, I would like to hear from any of you that are interested in taking over my account. My main toon, of course, is Zacchaeus. He's a pretty strong level 70 with 1912 attack power self buffed, has 2 greens, and they are decent greens at that. You can probably see everything you need to know in my armory link. I just got some enchants so it may take some time for those to show up.

And I'd prefer to give him to someone who would put him to use, not leave him on a shelf and just take his gold.

Let me know if there's an interest.

This isn't a goodbye thread! So don't get too mushy...yet :)
well i am sad to see u go but hey man RL is awsome!

but if u are not having fun then hey man quit!

Well i guess i will see u around bro

Much love and had fun :)

Stay Cool :cool:
Aww. What if I want to get mushy?!?!?!

Our race to 60 was a lot of fun and I can't believe you beat me by an hour. And you were ahead of me for awhile too. =P Anyways, hate to see you go but RL is very important. You should continue posting in the forums and stuff though. =)
Ok change in plans. Turns out I'm my wife has a heavy school load on mondays and wednesdays, so I'm going to stick around so I have something to do while she's gone.

Sorry for the confussion.

Actually a good suggestion and something I'm very interested in doing! Especially since I don't think I'll have enough time to do raids. I may have to get my gear from either the Heroic instances, or the pvp rewards. Even if pvp gear isn't as good as it used to be pre-BC. I'm also thinkin I would like to try a Pvp arena team.