You Awaken In Your Cubicle

Pull my custom built Noveske Low Pro Recce with Burris XTR-14 1-4x w/tactical night light out from under my desk...I already have my Kimber Warrior .45 strapped and ready to go concealed under my slacks.
> Use the facilities(Never know when you'll get to next...)
> Wash Hands
> Drink water.

>use the women's restroom (you may never get the chance again!)

A successful man knows an opportunity when he sees one. You head down the hall and even though you're certain you're the only one here, you carefully and apologetically push open the door to the women's bathroom. Or what you thought was the women's bathroom. As the door opens, the emergency light behind illuminates a scene of greed and excess the likes that have never before been seen in a men's bathroom.

As you step in, your shoes ruffle the plush carpeting. Two windows decorate the back wall, replete with curtains, sashes, and blinds. In front of these lie a very serious looking couch, that looked like it would be comfortable as long as you didn't stay too long. A matching chair kept the couch company, separated by a small table. A box of dead crunchy flowers set atop the table, and their light fragrance completed the glorious waste of money that was this room. No wonder they spend so long in here. You feel certain that if you touched the right spot on the wall, you'd find a hidden flat screen TV. A small stool lingers in the corner, and you wonder if this is where a foot masseuse might sit during the working hours.

You find another door on the side wall, presumably which led to the business area of things. You are incensed to find a keypad on this door. You hopelessly try a few codes, but you have no idea which numbers to try, or even how many to try. You dejectedly head back to the windowless, fragrantless, foyerless men's bathroom, a bathroom that now looked so fantastically boring that no one would ever put a keypad on it. You sidle up to the nearest toilet.

Sweet, sweet relief.

You wash your hands, and cupping them together, take a drink for yourself.

You still have not found anything suitable for armor or weaponry, but as soon as you find something, you will make sure to equip it.

>Go check the female co-worker's desk for the bathroom code written on something.

Relieved, but still ticked about the bathroom disparity, you head back into Cubeville. You are determined to find the code to the bathroom. You look through any and all paperwork, but find nothing relating to any kind of code.

>Search for some sort of pain reliever.

Back at square one, you keep going through her desk. Girls always have some sort of pain reliever around, and you could use a few. You are not surprised to find a half-empty bottle of Ibuprofen lounging in one of the desk drawers. Not wanting to walk all the way back to the bathroom, you conjure up enough spit to swallow the pills where you sit.

You receive [Bottle of Ibuprofen Tablets]!

>Cast fireballs to see into the darkness.

Continuing your investigation of your coworker's desk contents, you find a lighter! This coworker had actually recently quit smoking, and you assume this is why she has the lighter, but didn't actually take it with her.

You tear off bits of paper from a local notepad, and ball them up. You are excited to find that this lighter is the type that will remain burning until it's lid is closed. You set the lighter on the desktop, and dig out the rubber bands you found before. You grab a ball of paper, and load it into firing position with the rubber band. Ready to fire, you catch the ball of paper on fire, and shoot it across the room. It lands and fizzles out, leaving a little burn mark where it lands. You do it again. Streaks of light illuminate the room as you shoot fireball after fireball.




You receive [Lighter]!

You have learned [Fireball] Rank 1!

>broaden your search for answers

You've had so much fun shooting fireballs that you pack up your fireball-making kit and take it with you. You know, just in case. You can have some more fun with those later. You get up and set out on a quest for more information.

After a thorough examination of the building, you remember that it is 6 floors, with your office being on the top floor. The bottom three floors seem to be well lit enough, and have power to them, but you have very limited access to anything other than the 6th floor, since the other companies in your building all lock their doors for some reason. In fact, on floors 2-4, you can only access a lobby and a bathroom.

You have full reign of floor 6, your office, with the exception of a few locked offices and closets. Consequently, these are the rooms that most intrigue you. However, if you knew how boring these rooms actually were, you would not care that they were locked, and in fact, prefer them that way.

Floor 5 proves to be the most interesting. It's lobby contains a walkway over the street, connecting it to the next building over. You know this building to contain a cafeteria - and you also know it to be locked after hours. It does have glass doors though, so you could go look inside if you wanted to.

You sit in the lobby of Floor 5, keeping a leg through the elevator door, holding it open, so that it's ready for wherever you decide to go.

>Find mirror to inspect for signs of trauma. Need to figure out if this head injury is from an outside source or just work-hangover.