Your favorite places


New Member
Was questing with Skrubs in the Wetlands the other day, and just had to stop and take a few screenshots. Wetlands is one of my favorite places graphically. I thought I'd upload these and encourage people to take and share screenshots of their own before the expansion ruins it all :)


I don't have screenshots :( but I always really loved Loch Modan!!! And, the bridge north of Wetlands where the dwarves are always wow'ed me. And then of course Arathi Highlands and Hillsbrad. Honestly, all of the Eastern Kingdoms I loved, except for Black Morass, the area to the south of that, and Deadwind Pass.
No SS's, but it's WSG and Orgrimar, with a knife in some priest's back, because they deserve it. They rolled horde, AND a priest.
Id have to say my favorite zone is... The endzone SCORE! Realistically Id have to say it is Hillsbrad though. One night I had an awesome time with Emana, Jeholda, and Asheriah as we ganked 80's and there alts well into the morning because someone kept ganking Ash on his alt. Ahhh what fond memories I have of this game. THink I might come back.
The Throne Room when you are sucked into Frostmourn... and after you drop the LK... that's a good zone... makes you feel all warm inside. It's even better when you had dropped Hailon just a hour before too.
RS isn't hard. Just need good healers. Fun fight! Did 25 man in a pug and was top heals wooo!

I tried taking a screen of Tanaris the other night...was a pretty shot of the moon there...couldn't find the button the mac though -.-
RS isn't hard. Just need good healers. Fun fight! Did 25 man in a pug and was top heals wooo!

I tried taking a screen of Tanaris the other night...was a pretty shot of the moon there...couldn't find the button the mac though -.-

You can actually assign it in-game to whatever button you want. Just go into the keybind section.