Your Friendly Neighbourhood Student

Hey guys!

I've sent out a few consent forms for anyone who has expressed some interest in the project. If you're eager to be interviewed just let me know and I would be happy to pick your brain about the guild.

So far I've found my time with you guys really rewarding and interesting. I don't think this project is nearly long enough to talk about all of the neat things about The Forgiven.

Actually, I'll just put the consent form here for review. Because this is an undergraduate project we have a lot of wiggle room. For example, I'll still be posting the results of my research but not necessarily the primary texts, etc.

The Community of Christian Guilds on World of Warcraft
Researcher: P. Dawn Davis
Department of Religious Studies
Saint Mary’s University
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3
Overseeing Professor: Alexander Soucy:

I am a student in the Department of Religious Studies at Saint Mary’s University. For my class in Field Research I am engaged in a project that is looking at religious communities on World of Warcraft. As a part of this project I am inviting you to participate in our study and to chat with me on the subject.

The purposes of the study are to explore: 1. the operation and advantages of a religious community in a virtual world and 2. how real-world faith and in-game constructed religions are reconciled. This study involves participation, observation, and individual interviews to ask questions related to the two goals listed above.

I do not anticipate any risks to you or your community as a result of your participation in this study. But we do believe there may be a number of benefits. Your participation will help you share with others the advantages and history of your community, and to demonstrate your purposes to an academic group. However, your participation is completely voluntary. You may withdraw from this study at any time without penalty, or any hard feelings of any sort. Even then, you are free to change your mind and return to participate again at any time.

If you choose not to participate in this study, you are absolutely welcome to do so as soon as you let me know, and send me a list of your alternative characters so that I know just who not to include. Any personal details are free to be stricken from the record, and the results can be as private or as public as you like. If you do choose to participate, any computers on which records are stored will not be accessible from the main university system, but will be coded so that access is limited to me. To further protect personal identities, this consent form will be sealed in an envelope and stored separately.

If you have any questions, please contact my professor, Dr. Alexander Soucy at (902) 420-5866 or, or me, P. Dawn Davis at

This research has been reviewed and approved by the Saint Mary’s University Research Ethics Board. If you have any questions or concerns about the study, you may contact Dr. John Young at, Chair, Research Ethics Board.

Yours sincerely,
Dawn Davis.
I know this is mildly off-topic, but I mentioned this to you the other day and you said you "had to see it." So here it is.

A sequel to Winnie-the-Pooh, In which Something Goes Wrong and Piglet leaves the Hundred Acre Wood.

With Expotition to follow.